
How old do you have to be to move out?

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hi just wondering how old you have to be to buy a house/rent.

to get away from parents lol

Thanks xx




  1. 16 presumably (in the UK)

  2. It depends on your area, but I'd be financially set before getting a place of your own. Its not just a mortage or rent payment. Its also utilities, phone, cable.....etc. Some young people think moving out is a breeze, but it all ads up.

  3. When you are able to stand on your own two feet! I moved out of my mum's when i was 19..It was a real wasn't easy because i was still a student and  working part time. However me and my friends made it work. Flat share with friends,  it will easier but as I say its not easy and you have to be able to stand on your own 2 feet or you will running back home before you know it..Good luck

  4. You are legally allowed to move out at 16 but it will be tricky finding a landlord willing to take on a 16 year old tenant, not to mention money to live, pay bills, rent, deposit etc. Best bet is go to the council and explain your situation, they might be able to help, even to stay somewhere on your own but near your parents?

  5. If you're going to purchase a home in the US, you need to be 18 years old with an established credit history, good credit history, and a co-signer. Have to have a job you've been in for more than 6 months, as well. They always want to see financial history.

    In the UK, it's a bit more complicated if you're looking to buy a home.

    Now, as far as renting a home is concerned, find roommates you trust and split everything. But still, make sure everyone's credit is up to par, they have money saved away (preferably more than $2000), and make sure they have no criminal history. One adult co-signer will get you on the good foot with the people renting the property to you.

    Apartments are easier. Less maintenance, cheaper bills, less rent. Think about it.

    Legal age to move out in US: 18 years old

    Legal age to move out in UK: 16 years old

  6. when you want

  7. when you feel ready, if you can handle the rent then go ahead and move out.

  8. in the uk it is 18 unless you get someone to stand security for you. You are classed as legally able to do certain things at 16 but signing rent agreements or mortgages not until 18.

  9. in london westminster its 18 coz i called them up yesterday and they said that the priority is the homeless

    i dunno about other boroughs but go to your nearest councel office and ask for a council flat form and there should be a number on the back call them and ask them for info

    hope i helped

  10. Wait till you are 18 and can get a full-time job and then whenever you want..

  11. That's a good question. I guess it depends on your economical situation. I mean, if you cannot really afford livivng by yourself or its gonna be tough for you to get the money for the rent everymonth, I'd say wait til you have it. As an example, 35 will be too late, but 25 can be soon.  

  12. 16 . =]

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