
How old do you have to be to order internet from comcast?

by  |  earlier

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my dad has given me permission to order comcast internet when he is gone so that its set up by the time he comes back.the thing is i am 17 and i am planning on paying for it cus its something that i want.any help would be appreciated.




  1. You probably have to be 18, if it involves a credit card then you have to be 18 to have one they probably won't allow you to sign up for it, just ask your dad to sign up for it before he leaves and tell him when he signs up for it that the person he talks to tell them that you will be managing the cost and arrangements, if he tells them that there should be no problem.

  2. Old enough to have credit which would be 18.  I'm sure they would let you if you put it in your dad's name, but you as a minor cannot be held to financial agreements or contracts and they won't go for that.  So you can pay the bill yourself, you can pay your dad back, but it will have to be in his name.  You can always try calling and asking- but I'm pretty sure that's what they'll tell you.

    I know they also do a credit check- not Comcast for certain but the Dish network, Direct TV and Charter all did credit checks when I called them.  So that's where your age might come into play.

    However- if you know your dad's info, they might require a major credit card, and you have dad's permission- you could always call on his behalf.  Not exactly Kosher, but if you call AS him then you should be able to get it done.  Be sure you have his total permission for that because you could get in a lot of trouble if you got caught- and get whatever info you might need including social security, date of birth, mother's maiden name, and a major credit card.  Probably best he did it- but it's an option if that sort of slight dishonesty doesn't bother either one of you.

    I tend to be bound by my sense of honesty, so I would call and ask and if they wouldn't let me do it, then I would have dad help.  He only needs to call so shouldn't be too hard to do.

  3. You have to be 18.

    But, the account is in his name?

    AND you have his consent?

    Just go buy a Cable Modem and connect it to any cable

    outlet in your home.

    When you try to get on-line you will need to Click the option

    "I am a Customer"

    You will need your household account holder, found on your bill.

    And enter all the info it asks for from your bill, or ask you dad for the info.

    You should be on-line in 5 to 10 minutes.

    ALSO, a person 18+ will need to be there if you have a Tech come to your home.

    Comcast Communications Technician

  4. 18, but if your dad is willing to have it in his name - then you can and order it for him - with his information.... you wont have to pay until about a month later when the bill comes.

  5. If you have service with them  already you can just call and add it to their plan but if not you can order it under his name and info.

  6. call them

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