
How old do you have to be to own a car?

by  |  earlier

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i am not going to drive it, just going to have my dad pay me to use it. lol. and fix it up and make it better over the years.




  1. Old enough for your parents to think you are responsible enough to work to "fix it up."  Old enough to work to contribute to the cost of paying for it, and old enough to pay for your own gas!

  2. If you can breathe, then you can own property.

  3. 18

  4. thats a bit mercenary seeing as how he is your dad, there is no age limit to owning a car in uk, its driving it thats only legal from age 17.

    If you plan on having this as a project with no one driving it then you will have to fill in a "sorn" declaration as its off the road.

    If your dad is driving it then he will have to have it all in his name if you are under 17.

    not sure i have answered correctly as your question was a bit iffy

  5. You have to be 16, unless its under one of your parents names when you are younger. Then you could fix it up and when you turned 16, it could be your's.

  6. Trick question ? NO

    (((But there is a Major problem with this ! List at the bottom.)))

    When you go in to transfer the CAR to your Name  

    You need what ?

    Title Signed by Seller

    If in Texas Title Application (Tax affidavid)

    signed by seller also ( date befoe you go in)



    thats it ! Thats All ... know one will ask how old you are !

    Except in New York City ! you have to be 18 and Insurance in your name.

    Check with your local DMV or County Tax Tag office

    Texas is NO AGE listed still ....

    NOW after all that is said .... He the catch 22

    If your Father is Renting the car you are listed as Owner

    If your Father has a Wreck and/or cause any Law suit

    They sue you and No problem til your 16 then you will have a Record even though you weren't the driver ! Sad huh ?

    Also people can Sue you for Damages to them or their Vehicles and can wait for payment til you are old enough to pay.

    Parents that put cars in the Childs name only do it for ONE REASON they messed up Their life so NOW they are going to mess yours even more! WHY ? I don't know.

    If the car is going to be in your NAME IT HAS TO HAVE FULL COVERAGE INSURANCE ... NO IF ANDS OF BUTTS !!!!!!!!!

    ALSO have a presigned letter or Contract that you Father is Leasing the car from you , you are the Owner but he is 100% responsable for the car 24/7 365 days a year...

    Good Luck.... A 7 year old kid was sued in Florida for accident his Mother had. His father had used his SS number to buy a new car. The kid was removed from the home and the father went to jail for 1 year. Mom got sued with the Kid. 130,000 by Brain Green ( AKA Brain Longcar)

  7. If you can afford to pay cash, you can own a car. What kind of job do you have at 14 that you can think of owning a car and paying your dad to drive it? What movies have you been in? Are you one of the Jonas brothers? :)

  8. you should 18 years old..

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