
How old do you have to be to quit school my 16 year wants to quit she needs more one on one?

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but the school says she needs no help so she says its to hard so she wants to quit school and she wants to do either home school or ged we live in ny state




  1. My sister quit when she was 16. She had to have a form signed by our mother. She quit because she was pregnant though. I am sure there is some way around it if you are planning on homeschooling or some other type of education that is appropriate for your child. If the school can't or won't help you I am sure that the children and family services office in your area could offer some information.

  2. With parental consent, I think it can be 16?  I knew a few kids who were about that age and quit school.  But this was about 17 years ago!  Just make sure she gets a GED.

  3. you can legally quite at age 16 in the U.S. but homeschooling or one on one would not be considered quitting

  4. Quitting school is the worst thing a child could do to oneself. They need an education to get a good gob in the future (good jobs = $$$). She's being soft. We all go through hard times in our lives. She's just going through one now. If you let up on her in school she'll get the idea that if she continues to be soft that you'll let up on even more things.

    As far as other methods of teaching, have her teacher(s) have 1 on 1 sessions with her so that she better understands the material.

    Another option is a private school... more 1 on 1.

    DO NOT home-school. Homeschooling can lead to emotional and psychological problems when it comes to fly the coop.

  5. Look for the homeschooling that is done through the school district I did that when in grade 12 cause school wasn't going so well for me and wound up graduating through that program...Just make sure she does it!!! haha

  6. Here in VA you must be 18 without parental consent OR 17 with parental consent.


  8. I'm pretty sure that it's 18 because of the no child left behind program, I think. Well atleasts thats how it is in Indianapolis.

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