
How old do you have to be to ride a public train by yourself?

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How old do you have to be to ride a public train by yourself?




  1. In the UK, aged 0 to 4 you cannot ride a train by yourself (adult accompaniment is required).

    Aged 5 to 15, you can ride a train by yourself with parental permission.

    Aged 16 or above, you can do as you please.

  2. All according on the Parents and Child  Kids go to school on trains  by themselves.. I travelled Countrywide from the age of 8 both bus and train during the war but my Parents and family were all transport folk some kids might get a ball or marbles as a casual gift..  I got Time tables and maps ..Born with paint not blood in my vains lol. So if your parents allow you to travel by bus I suggest you ask them to take you on a train ride ... Then learn all you can  on that day ..then say after a nose around trains are just like buses aint they nothing to worry over ...Hope they agree  and then you are on your travels

  3. If your in England then any age that your parents decide although if you are booking over the internet they wont allow you to book a child ticket with out an adult ticket so you have to phone up or do it in person

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