
How old do you have to be to travel on a cruise alone?

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My friends and I ( currently 19) want to travel a any cruise during summer , is it possible or we have to have someone 25 older to accompany us?




  1. I have seen on some cruise web sites that they want at least one person who is over 21 in each that might give you an idea. check with the cruise line you are interested in. They will tell you.

  2. Actually, the vast majority of cruise lines requires that you be accompanied by someone who is 25. Most require that you be 25 to travel alone, while Carnival requires that you be 21.

  3. There are some things that you need to know about cruising. First, all cabins on all cruise ships are sold based on double occupancy. That means that at least two persons must go or they will charge the one person what is called a "single supplement". The supplement is basically just about a double cruise fare, same as if two people were going. So unless you have a lot or money to spend you cannot go alone.

    Second, all of the cruise lines except Carnival require that at least one (1) person in each cabin be age 21 or older. Carnival requires that at least one person be at least age 25. So unless you are age 21 or older you cannot even book a cruise unless you have a parent, guardian or friend who is over age 21 to go along in your cabin. If you are going with your friends you'll need a parent or someone who is at least age 21 to book and room with you.

    Third, if you are under age 21 and traveling with someone other than a parent you MUST have a statement signed by your parents granting you permission to go on the cruise. The cruise line will tell you exactly how the permission letter must be prepared.

    So you have three things to consider and plan for if you want to go on a cruise. Maybe you should try to get mom, dad, or an aunt or uncle to go with you. Tell them how much fun they will have too.

  4. Different cruise lines have different rules, but usually it is 18 and over, obviously you won't be able to get into some of the clubs that they offer on the cruise, but you can still go. hope this helps.

  5. Carnival is 25 and older unless a married couple.  So yes, you will need someone over 25 to go with you

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