
How old do you have to be to work at a preschool and get paid?

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I'm 14 years old and just graduated from the 8'th grade.

I live in Alaska and I have worked at preschools before but it was just volunteer work. A local preschool wants to hire me this summer but I'm not sure if they can pay me.





  1. Well if you do a home daycare center then they can pay you under the table, but no Preschools require you to be of the age of atleast 18 before hiring you on and paying you.

  2. Like others have mentioned, check the licensing requirements for Alaska... 16 years to volunteer 18 to be paid here.  You do not need a degree is you are working as an aide but do need a minimum of a CDA or equivalent before being the actual preschool teacher.

    If you are looking for some summer work... consider babysitting.  I also think that you can work as an aide in a family child care home at 14.  Good luck!

  3. I worked at a daycare for a couple of years they would hire girls from 16 years old and still in high school and no training.

  4. You need to check with the licensing agency in Alaska.  In my state, you have to be 16 to volunteer in a daycare and 18 with a high school diploma to work in one and get paid.  If you want to be left in a room with kids by yourself, you also have to have 2500 hours of experience - babysitting, Bible School, girl scouts, whatever, but 2500 documented hours of experience.  If this preschool isn't paying you, they're not "hiring" you.  They're asking you to volunteer.

  5. i dont know about alaska but in CA in a in-home daycare you can be 14 as long as someone over 18 is there at all times with you.

  6. If they are willing to hire you then do it.  Don't ask questions!! lol

    Just be sure before you start they and YOU completely understand that you expect to be PAID and negotiate how much before hand.

  7. By law, you must be at least eighteen years of age, and have your Early Childhood Education degree.

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