
How old do you have to be to work at safeway or raley's?

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im turning 14 next summer and i just want to see if i would be allowed to work there. i live in california.




  1. Don't know over there, but here in Australia, you have to be 14 and 9 months to have a formal work arrangement.

  2. In the US you can work at 14 in certain kinds of jobs.  I know a couple ofmy daughter's friends who started working at grocery stores when they were 14 but 14 year olds are limited in the number of hours they can work, they can't work past 10:00 p.m. on a school night, and they can't do any heavy lifting or dangerous jobs.  They pretty much ended up being cashiers or baggers.  

    It also depends on how much competition there is for the job. The store will always hire 16 year olds before they will hire a 14 or 15 year old because they don't have the restrictions the younger ones have.    

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