
How old do you have to be to work for Disney?

by  |  earlier

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I really wana work as tinker bell at Disney World, how old do you have to be to work there though?




  1. have you bought any disney merchandise lately?

    youre already working for them.

  2. You have to be 18 to apply.

  3. to be a character, you have to be 18.  

  4. you have to be either 16 or 18 and a certain height

  5. like 16 but chances are they wont hire u or ull get a crappy job

  6. 16  

  7. you can go to the disney job site and there should be a number to call because I called it once and someone there can tell you.

  8. 32. they are very strict

  9. 18 or 16

  10. It really depends on what department you work in....

    The majority of the departments you are required to be at least 18 or a graduating senior.  Only in parades, you can be at least 16 years old and must commit to all parade times.

    To be Tinkerbell, you must have a fair complexion and at most 5'4".  FYI: Disney is currently casting lots of fairies like Silvermist, Fira and Bess to promote their upcoming movie.  It's a very diverse cast.

  11. i think 18 or older!

  12. probally 18 or above

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