
How old do you need to be to die in operation room?

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I should operate for lombago and I think I may die ... I'm scared... and I think I will not go to surgery. I had a bad experience and almost died in surgery... what should I do?




  1. Will you die if you do not have the surgery?  If you do not have the surgery, what will happen regarding the lumbago?

    Surgery is more risky for some people than for other people.  It is safer when you are not obese, and are keeping fit by walking or exercising in some way such as water exercises in a swimming pool or riding a bicycle.

    What caused your bad experience when you had surgery?  Ask your doctor if that is likely to happen to you again.  This type of surgery may be done arthroscopically, which is very safe since it only needs tiny incisions.

    Most importantly: Speak up! Ask your doctor questions--You have a right to know all about the surgery!

  2. It's not how old, but how sick.  Babies with abnormal hearts can die.  90 year olds in good shape can cruise through surgery.

    It's very rare to die in the OR, by the way.  We get even the sickest of patients through surgery.

    Part of the pre-op process is a thorough evaluation to minimize your risk.  There are anesthetic techniques that may be suggested to help you get through the surgery in the best way possible.

    We don't usually take people to the OR if we think there is a reasonable chance of death, unless NOT taking them to the OR has a higher chance of death.

    Make sure your anesthesiologist knows what happened with the other surgery - if you can get copies of your medical record, it will help a lot. (anesthesia record, PACU record, operative report)  Saying "I almost died" does not help us at all.  We need to know the nature of the problem to be able to avoid it.

    Good luck.

  3. Hi...I try to support you with this.

    Am a mother of three children.Each time I gave birth I felt like going to death. see I am alive. I had 1 surgery for my youngest daughter and felt cold before it. My husband and I did not had a plan and preparenes for that.

    I just tried to think to a positive way...while I could through that moment I could see my husband and my children. And I prayed to be strong. I asked God would gave me a chance  be alive. Be strong OK...Best wishes.

  4. My daughter just went through her third operation.  We were both afraid, but we went to the hospital chapel before the operation and prayed.  This helped us out a lot, because we knew that the operation wasn't in our hands anymore, but God's hands.

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