
How old do you need to be to get a job at Sears or JC Penney's portrait studios?

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I'm 16-years-old and will be 17 in two months. I'm really into photography and hoping to pursue a career in that field because it's my absolute love. I'll most likely be taking photography classes at the local college next summer, and I didn't know if either of those stores hired younger than a certain age for aspiring photographers. lol I haven't had time to go in and ask so I thought I'd ask on here first. :)




  1. You are probably already old enough particularly if you have good people skills and can get th e expressions your bosses want and that the persons being photographed like the experience.  Most fathers don't want to be there so connect with them too.  Learn how to make babies stop crying.  Picking them up support rump and neck and a few lifts up and down making umpah sounds usually works.  Sears and JC Penny will teach you the equipment, poses  and all else you need.   The basic info is quickly learned.  sometimes there will be room for extra shots but you need to be able to produce saleable portraits in the style they want.  Apply today.

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