
How old do you need to be to take Creatamax extreme.?

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How old do you need to be to take Creatamax extreme.?




  1. Whats that?

  2. lol, its just creatine and whey isn't it?

    The question should be "how foolish and rich do you need to be to buy creatamax extreme" there are cheaper products that do exactly the same thing over on *** maximuscle, their products are no better than any other but they cost 3 times as much because of all the celebrity endorsements etc....

    I don't know what your diet and training is like but I'd address that before looking at supplements anyway.

  3. no younger than 16 mate. Creatine isnt banned in NZ for Rugby or most other sports. follow the exact instructions and you shud be sweet. creatine products work, but first and foremost you need to TRAIN HARD!!!

  4. You shouldnt need any sort of supplement until your 18, and even then only protein for growth and repair. You can get creatine naturally from eating plenty of red meat such as beef steak. A lot of the supplements endorsed do no more than a good diet, and up to 19/20 years old your body will be growing at at rapid rate and testostrone will be at their highest levels in your body - which induces muscle growth. You don't need supplements to gain muscle. And as said...maximuscle are a bunch of money grabbers!!ridiculous prices. My protein are great, and if you have the money BSN are great.

  5. If it's some sort of creatine, don't, it's banned and for a reason. And if you're asking this question I'm assuming you're still fairly young, don't be taking stuff like that maybe protein shakes if you're doing a serious weights program but not stuff like creatine.

  6. You should not take creatine until you have stopped growing -Sorry but it places strain on a growing liver.  In adults it is completely harmless, but in youths it can lead to excessive dehydration and cramps.

    Sorry if that wasn't what you wanted to hear.

  7. Don't take it your d**k will fall off

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