
How old do you think a child should be when the have "the s*x talk" with their parent(s)?

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And do you think having the talk could keep the child out of trouble versus not ever having the talk, or do you think there's an equal amount of chance the child could still get pregnant/get someone pregnant or an STD even if having the talk or not having the talk...? Thanks, just curious.




  1. my mom kinda talked to me about it a little when i was like in 4th grade. but never said anything about it again for like a year, but where i go to school you have to take like family life in 5th. after that we never talked too much about it,  

  2. i personally think "the talk" doesn't effect WHEN they'll have s*x, but it would certainly make them more aware of the dangers and make them more conscious!

    My own mum talks to me regularly, and my first "talk" was when i was about 11, and my most recent was about a month before i turned 15 (my current age)

    I find that this has made me very aware, not only of STDs etc, but of my mothers worries and views on situations

  3. Probbly more likely/ better  to have the talk....~xoxo ally*

  4. I think it's better to talk to them and have an open relationship when it comes to s*x. I'm not sure about the age because kids are learning about it earlier and earlier now. Probably when they start Jr High.

  5. i think the perfect age is 13,because they start a new chapter in life,and become a teen.There really is the same chance bc you cant stop them from doing anything.As long as u tolled them what they need to know,u know you tried.

  6. i think 10.

    so they no whats up.

    cuz kids are having s*x at 11 now a days and i think they should know the consequences of their actions.  

  7. i actually think when they younger they actually grasp it better and became more expectant and appropriate. And kids are so involved in this would i would be so shocked if they already know and feel uncomfortable hearing it from somebody else  

  8. Forget the talk give em a porno and say never do this until your married or bad things will happen to you,very very bad things. oh at age 10 before puberty so he wont get aroused.

  9. I think it should start long before puberty. Most parents either skip it completely, or wait until the kid is already interested and possibly already involved. You don't wait until the kid is 13 to teach manners and respect, why wait so long to teach them about the human body and what is right/wrong about the opposite gender. You can instill no s*x until marriage (or whatever you believe) at a young age. Once they start asking questions, they need to be taught.

  10. I would talk to my kids about s*x when they're 11 years old because they're going into some curious things they want to know and so yeh...

  11. I think as soon as they start asking about it, they're ready for the talk. Obviously I wouldn't go into great detail with a five year old, but you can start with little things they will understand ("where do babies come from?", "when a man and a woman love each other, they make a baby that grows in mummy's tummy." etc). As they grow older, you can begin talking about things like safe s*x. And yes, I do believe talking and being more open with your kids increases the chances they'll be smarter about it (not necessarily stop them from doing it) and decreases the chances of them getting pregnant or catching an STD. If I had a teen daughter who was hellbent on having s*x (I wouldn't presume to be able to watch my teen daughter 24/7) I would rrather that she feels comfortable enough to come to me with any problems or asking for birth control than sneaking around behind my back.  If you are open and honest about it, chances are, your kids will be more open and honest about it too.

  12. My parents never talked to me about s*x until i was probably 15 or 16. And boy was it uncomfortable. When i have kids i am going to answer their questions as soon as they start questioning me, no matter how young they are. i don't want them to be scared to ask or tell me anything, like i was with my parents.  

  13. about 11 or 12 years old because at some middle schools the have s*x ed classes and it starts at 6th grade. so my answer to you is 11 or 12

  14. at 12.

  15. im 14

    parent s*x talk NOOOO

    kids know about it anyway && dont want their parents embarrassing them

    The little kids in my old skool new all about it && they were like 5

    My parents are off their head on booze all the time, but when i was 9 my older brothers && sister attempted the s*x talk

    && it was just embarrassing coz i knew about it anyway

  16. I say around 10.  But sometimes your kids already know about it from school and movies so they maybe bored about it all.

  17. The chance is not equal. It is "more likely" they will have s*x when they know what s*x is.

    The chance of a child getting raped, might decrease when they get the talk though. They will be able to know when someone is touching them improperly, even when it's "trusted" Uncle Joe or Step Dad Ken.

    When a child goes into elementary school - middle school, they might find out from their friends ..... so I'd say the age of 9 or 10.

  18. I never got the talk and im not a pregnant or a w***e. (i said pregnant OR w***e, im not calling pregnant chicks whores.)

  19. I had it when I was 10. ♥

  20. umm i think that prolly you should have the talk around the age of 11 or the way i never had the "s*x" talk and i didnt have s*x till i was 18 so either way...idk

  21. The REAL s*x talk i had in 6th grade when I was 11. Yes there is a difference between the s*x talk and the REAL s*x talk.

  22. I have a 13 year old son. We just had the "talk" before school started. He has a girlfriend that he has had for about 6 months now. He sees her at his Dad's house, where there is no supervision. So I thought it was time. I think it is important to talk to them about things, even though it is uncomfortable, bc they will hear about it from their friends. Believe me when I say, some of the things my son asked me that he heard from kids at school, almost made me laugh out loud. And you don't want them to be misinformed. They are going to be curious anyway and with all the pressure on kids nowdays, it is better for them to be ready.  Even though it doesn't seem like they are listening sometimes, they hear you when you aren't there. No one ever gave me that talk and I got pregnant at 15. (my 13 yr old being the result) No one wants their kids out there having s*x. You can't be with them all the time, and if they are going to make the desicion to do it, then you want them to know the facts.    

  23. I don't think there is a s*x talk.  It's more of an ongoing topic of conversation with my teenagers, ever since they were 7 & 8 years old.  We started talking about it when they asked what was in the machines in the bathroom of our favorite restaurant.  It was condoms...  They wanted to what they were for and how they were used, so we told them.  Now at 14 and almost 13 we still talk about it, there's too much ground to cover in one talk, things change constantly and we offer constant reminders.

    So far so good *knock wood*    

  24. based on the fact im going to be a young mom, im 19 and 18 weeks pregnant today i'll do my best to answer this one.

    i would keep it age appropriate with the child first of all, they wont believe the stork dropped them off on the step for overly long.

    i was about 5 when i started asking the "mommy where did i come from" she kept the talk simple enough for me to understand, a mommy and daddy make the baby with their bodies, and the baby grown inside the mommy for about 9 months and then it is born and they become a family.

    obviously this wont work when a girl is about 13 and getting a period and at that point is best to be blatently honest and tell the entire truth to them, std risks and all. I believe that if a child is uninformed they are unable to make wise decisions to protect themselves. so the most important part of "the talk" is making sure the kid understands what is happening and there are no misunderstandings, thats how accidents can occur (ie, thinking you can only get pregnant 1 day a month.... You can get pregnant, the first time you have s*x, most days of the month, standing up, sitting down and in a hotel hot tub!) and that they are equipped with enough information about std protection and birth control to minimize the chance of something bad happening, like an std or an unplanned pregnancy..

    hope this helps

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