
How old do you think a kid should be before they should be left alone in the kitchen while they cook?

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why i ask my mom will not let me stay alone because she thinks i am to young i am 12 years old and all my friends can do you think my mom is right




  1. i am 12 and i've been cooking alone since like 9 or soemthing. (my mom doesn't cook ever and she isn't really that mature about it, she thinks that your mom shouldn't be cooking or cleaning or doing laundry or anything when you're young).  

  2. Well, I let my 12 and 10 y/o kids make pancakes, scrambled eggs, cookies all by themselves.... but that won't be a great argument to tell your mom.  She won't care what I do, or what I allow my kids to do.

    See if you can talk to her (w/o whining or crying or getting all emotional) and find out exactly what scares her.  If it's the stove, ask he rto teach you how to work it.  If it's removing something out of the oven, ask her to show you how to do it safely.  And so on.  If it's a generic "I dont' want the kitchen burned down", see if you can't get her to narrow it down a bit, show her you know what to do in an emergency (call 911, use fire extinguisher, etc), and so on.

    If nothing else, ask her if you can HELP her in the kitchen, to learn how from her how to be safe.  Plus, she will see that you are competent in the kitchen and safe, too.

    Sometimes Moms have a hard time letting their kids grow up, and turning on a stove  may mean growing up to her.  Just work with her on it, and have patience.  She may have never had a 12 y/o before!

  3. It truly depends on the kid and their maturity level, among other things.  But 12 is certainly the prime age to at least begin allowing kids to try it on their own.  Especially if you're like mine and spent years helping along side mom in the kitchen.  Good Luck and just be patient, she's just worried about you.  Just continue to prove to her that you are responsible.

  4. i was 10 when i started to cook alone by myself it depends how muture you are

  5. 12 is plenty old enough. I was always cooking with my mom, but I think I started doing basic yet "mature" things at around 9 or 10. And we had a gas stove that you have to light with a match almost everytime you want to cook with it. I also did a lot of stuff with our old fashioned wood cook stove.

  6. It depends. I cooked by myself when I was about 10 years old, but I understood about safety and started out cooking simple things. I'd say you are old enough at 12, provided you know what to do in an emergency and really know your way around the kitchen...appliances, cutlery, gadgets, etc. If your mom is still uneasy ask her to be your kitchen assistant, so you can still be in control, but she can be there if an emergency should arise.  

  7. The only way she is going to trust you alone is for you to show her how smart and safe you are right there with her!  Help her out and when she is cooking, watch to see how you can help her without being asked.  Set the table, wash the dishes or put them away.  Ask her how she knows certain things, ask her how she learned to make a certain dish.  Ask if you can do a part of whatever she is preparing.  If you show great interest, she will get that you want to cook.  When she sees that you pay attention to the safety rules and that you are willing to take the time to learn how to do things, she will be proud of you and give you more responsibility.  Don't forget that it is her kitchen, and sometimes we get a little protective of our space and territory.  I LOVE working with my daughter, but I am not so good at letting her at it without me.  She is way older than 12!  Give it a little time and a LOT of attention and help.

  8. How funny! I was just going to say 12 yrs. old before I looked at your question. Well, I think it's time you started learning to cook on your own at age 12, but it is your mothers choice and she knows you better than us virtual people, so it's best to listen to her.

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