
How old do you think you should be to pllay volleyball?

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The grade!!




  1. I would say 4th or 3rd since in 2nd grade most balls are gonna hit the net are not going to go up.

    But i would say 4th would be the grade where it starts getting competive and 3rd u can but its gonna be boring game.,

  2. I say the younger the better. I started to play in 6th grade because thats when the volleyball team in my school started. I go to these clincics and there are tons of little kids. 2nd grade they're mature. But not to play with adults. For a fun volley game with middle schoolers are good for them. ("

  3. im in 8th, and it would of helped if i could started younger. 5th grade.

  4. I don't really think there is an age limit, but you should be old enough to know the basics of volleyball. If you are in first grade, I would say to wait a few more years. A good time to start would be in late grade school - third or fourth or even fifth grade. Then you will have a lot of time to get better and you will be good at it when you have teams in middle school and high school and etc.

  5. my sis started playing ball in 2nd grade... i started late and didn't start playing until 5th. i really wish i had started earlier. the earlier you start the better!!

  6. i think any age really so like 2nd grade

  7. pre preschool.

    yep. at the rate things in sports are progressing, w/ everyone concentrating solely on 1 sport and all, i say the sooner the better.

  8. I coach JO and a school team.  At JO, unfortunately we have not had a lot of young girls tryout so our youngest team is 14 and under.  But this year there was one 10 year old that tried out and made that team.

    In the school team, they don't let them tryout younger than 5th grade, but we are planning on starting a 3rd and 4th grade in school league as well as a 2nd grade instructional group.  Volleyball is a great sport and the earlier you can start having fun with a ball, the better off you will be in the long run.

    Have fun!!!!!

  9. theres really no age limit...i'm sure they have teams for even 5 year olds

  10. You just have to be 'big' enough - physically.

    There's a special volleyball - called the Mikasa Training Series VUL500 - especially for 12 and under. If you have the correct air pressure (such that you can press your thumbs 1/8th inch into it) it is very light and very soft to use.

    You can purchase a very cheap practice volleyball, have it the same air pressure as above - and you can use this one anywhere outside.

    Anyway - one needs to practice a lot to gain confidence in the ball handling skills used in volleyball - such as dig, set and spike - and so, if you have a practice volleyball, all you need is a few friends together - and can have fun practising together. Dig, set and spike at each other (no net needed) - if you do this on a regular/irregular basis, you'll have the necessary skills and confidence to do well in volleyball.

    Unlike other sports - you can practice anytime anywhere. Even by yourself, if you have to... all you need is a practice volleyball and a wall. For digging though, you do need someone to help you out with that...

  11. I play on Solana Beach Volleyball club, i am twleve and in 6th grade, but i first started on my middle school team. I have never touched a volleyball before so i was pretty amazed when i made the team! But honestly, volleyball is Really easy to learn so you can start whenever!

  12. Well if you want to play for your school its usually when you start middle school.

    6th or 7th

  13. I work for Asics Willowbrook in Houston.  We have teams in the 11 and under division.  We have programs for 2nd through 6th grades.  

    I actually taught two girls that were 3 and 6 years old.  They have most of the skills down without the net.

  14. it doesn't matter wat age, but probably 7-9 yrs

  15. any age. I think pretty much evry grade could play...mabe not that well but ...yeah. Soooo i guess 1st.

  16. well i started when i was nine, but theres really no age minimum. If you love it, play it!

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