
How old does a child have to be before you can tell if he or she is a left or right hander??

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How old does a child have to be before you can tell if he or she is a left or right hander??




  1. My daughter just turned two in June and has been right handed for at least a few months now. She used to try everything with either her left or right (whichever was more convienent at the time) but now she will purposely use her right for everything (throwing balls, eating, colouring etc). I would say right around 2 you should be able to see a preference...although if you don't maybe your child will be ambidextrous (um, I have no idea how to spell that...basically maybe they will use both hands) good luck : )

  2. Normally they will favor one or the other but will use both until around 4-6 when they start using one for writing and such. They are normally better with one hand then the other. Sometimes kids are abedextrous and use both.

  3. I'm pretty sure my two year old is a righty because she used to use both hands for everything, but now I notice that if she starts scribbling with her left hand, she'll stop, and move the crayon to her right hand.

  4. around 2 or 3 when they start to color or make cirlcle they will stick to one hand

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