
How old does a child have to be????

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How old does a child have to be to go into pre-k? There are many public schools that offer pre-k programs, but I just wanted to know. Please help!!! Thanks!!




  1. i thinks its 4 where u are

    and they start school at 5 or 6yrs

    and theres kindergarten but i dunno when they go there-i think thats 4-5 yrs

  2. i started when i was 3, almost 4, but really depends on the school.

  3. i starterted when i was 3 and went on to 4 that's my opinion

  4. Traditionally the when the public schools offer a preK program that is only normal peers it is for 4 year olds.  If it is a special education class that uses "normal" peers then they will be 3-4 years old.  Good luck!

  5. 4 OR 5 YEARS

  6. 4 or 5

  7. i live in sulphur springs tx and some child here start pre k as young as 3

  8. like 4 or 5

  9. three because you go to reception when you are at least 4

  10. You  may want to check your local pre-k programs. My daughter started pre-K when she was 3.

    The average pre-K program starts them off at age 4.


    This site might help you determine which school is closest to you and then you can go to that schools website. I would enter the name of the school, city, state into to see if they do have a website for the school.

    In our area, if your child will already be 4 years old by the time the Fall pre-k classes start they can attend the pre-school. If a child has a late fall or winter birthday and are still 3 years old when Fall classes start, they have to wait until next year for pre-k.

    Hope this helps!

  12. Pre-3 :3 years old

    Pre-K:4 years old


  13. depends on the maturity of the child. the common age is 4 but some children are ready at 3.. most school will evaluate the child and tell you if they are ready.

  14. 4

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