
How old does a female rabbit mate?

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I have a 4 month old female rabbit that is lonely i think i should get her a mate but i don't know how old they have to be until they are ready to mate




  1. If you pu ther with a male now they would probley breed but she would probably also die becasue of it. Wait till she is at least 7 months old. Consider going to your local pound and getting a neutered male rabbit to be her friend. You cant just put them together and leave them and expect the babies to live without any problems. There are a lot of complications. If you do breed read a book about breeding rabbits not what you found on YA.

  2. 6 months.

  3. Don't breed. Adopt one! And one more thing... Get your bunny spayed!

  4. Please don't breed.

    Get her a female rabbit to be friends with.

  5. That partially depends on the breed and what you are wanting to do with the rabbit. Males can normally start breeding at around 4 months. I'd recommend waiting till a female is at least six months old to start breeding. Please note that these are the earliest a person should start breeding them. Breeding too early can cause the rabbit's growth to be stunted, so if you are wanting to show the rabbit that is not a good idea. I would normally recommend starting to breed the rabbit when it is around 8-10 months old. By this time the rabbit has mostly matured and is ready to breed with. I also don't recommend waiting much over 10 months to start breeding a doe, because that can result in complications getting the female pregnant. If you let a doe go too long without being bred the doe will accumulate fat around her ovaries. This fat makes it difficult to get the doe to breed. Please note that putting the rabbit on a diet or starving it will not get rid of the fat around its ovaries. If you do happen to get a rabbit bred that has a lot of fat around its ovaries, often the rabbit will die just about right before the rabbit is due to have babies. This is a disease called ketosis. What happens with ketosis is that the rabbit uses up the fat in its body when it's raising the babies inside it and its body breaks the fat down. The fat that gets broken down becomes a toxin. The toxin level builds up as the pregnancy proceeds and reaches critical toxin level about the point that the rabbit is ready to deliver the babies.

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