
How old does a kid need to be?

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before a waitress or hostess gives them an adult menu instead of a kid's menu? Is there any set rule about this?

We went out last week, and for the first time, ever, my 12 yr old grandson was given an adult menu. He was elated! His 9 yr old sister got her nose out of joint, but, oh well.......!




  1. I think 12 is okay if they are able to finish the meal as it is alot more expensive to go to waste. I suppose we want our kids not to be picky eaters and to experience new tastes but they don't get much of a choice on kiddies menus,its usually burgers, nuggets,fish fingers and the likes.

    I wonder if at the end of the meal would he have been so chuffed if he was given the bill !!

  2. I think it depends. As children grow and begin reaching puberty (around 10 in some cases) they will begin to eat more. An adult menu has more food. Also, when a child can carry on converstations with adults and other children, it is a good idea to take away the coloring pages and activities to encourage socialization and development of social skills and manners. I remember around nine or 10 i really wanted to eat off the adult menu because it seemed so grown up. There are no rules, except some places won't let you order of the kids menu when you are older than 10, 12, or 13.

    I think it's fine that he received an adult menu, and normally hostesses will ask how many child menus in your party. Just decide for yourself. (The rule my family had was that if you ordered off the adult menu you had to order for yourself)

  3. Probobly when they feel like they will eat whatever is on the adult menu. Some kids might not want them. Plus kid menus were made to give kids a smaller portion of food. If they can eat it all, you can llet them eat it.

    P.S. The age is 12 and under (max). There is no 13 and under.

  4. No there is no set rule for this it depends on the venue and the size of the child, some have childs menues on the adult menue. You could ask for a adult menue if you wanted one.

  5. Well I am 14 and I am very short for my age. Usually I get a kids menu because they judge your age on your size. I do not like it.

  6. it really doesnt matter but i think dat maybe 10 years iz at least big enuff for it 9 iz 2 heck i started eatin off it when i was like 5 der gettin into knew tpes of food dis iz a good thing =)

  7. 12 and up

  8. Around 10-12, but I'm 13 and just the other day this waitress gave me a kids menu, just order off your parents menu.

  9. umm i think once ur 13 u get an adult menu but it depends on the place I'm 15 and the waitress still hands me the kids menu  =( lol

  10. no limit. they would need to ask you to know your exact age. i started getting an adult menu at  like 9. i looked a lot older. at 11 i looked about 15.

  11. It depends on how old and how big the kid is. I started on the adult menu when I was about ten. I'm an average-sized gal. But I still have friends who are teenagers who can only eat kiddy-sized portions because they're so petite. So it all depends, I suppose.

    But if they want an adult menu because they'd like to expand their little palate beyond chicken fingers, I'd let the 9 yr. old try it out.

  12. about 12 yrs. is when most kids get their adult menu.

  13. JUST tell them you want an adult on.

  14. 18 or 21

    for alchol

  15. 12 years old is probably the appropriate age.

  16. no set rule

  17. usually restuaraunts have "kid menus" up until the age of 10 or so-it really depends on the facility.

    I ask to order from the kids menu a lot, because I don't want all the food. I also order from the "Seniors" menu even though I am not a "Senior". However this is just because I don't have a large appetite.

    BTW-the servers rely on tips, so I pay for the regular size meals.

  18. 13

  19. It just depends on what age the waitresses think the child is. I hated being stuck in that rut. People couldn't tell if i was mature enough to deal with the adult menu, which sucked because I definately was. But it's usually around the ages 11-13 where they start handing out the adult menus. If I was a waitress, the way i would decide which menu to give the kid would be from their behavior. If they're sitting there quietly, i'd probably give them an adult one, but if they're jumping up and down in the booth making farting noises i'd be more than happy to point out the chicken sticks and grilled cheese sandwich specials. ;-)

  20. When you start looking old enough!

  21. 12-13 i think that's when i got my first adult menu

  22. it really depends on the restaurant, and i wouldn't be surpirsed if a 12 yr old gets an adult menu. Kid menus are more for younger children, but you can always ask for a children's menu nd i'msure they won't say no.

  23. a child can be any age to get an adult menu, the only purpose of the kid menu is the portion size, i started with the adult menu when i was 10, because i just began to have that hunger, so if your 12 or 9 year old grandchild wants an adult menu, then its fine, as long as they can eat all of it!

  24. you can get an adult menu at any time, you just have to ask for one

  25. Depending on the place you go age varies on the size of the dishes ect.

    Also it depends on how big the kid is....if they can't eat a an adult meal but they are 12 then whats the point in getting the adult meal? If a child is 9 years old but can eat a off of the children's menu and still be hungry the you might want to pay for the adult meal.

    You can always ask what the ages are to get a general idea on how big the dishes are.

    And you can always ask for you child to have a children's menu or an adult menu if needed=)

    Hope this helped♥

  26. 12 is pretty typical.  Of course the waitress can only guess at their age.

    Im assuming that by "kid", you mean a young human, and not a young goat.

  27. when they look like they are old enough to enjoy things other then cheeseburgers, pizza, and chicken tenders.

  28. when my grand kids turned 12 they started eating from the big menu,that only ment i had to pay more.hi KIWI

  29. there is no rule to this..

  30. my daughter is 9 and if there`s nothing on the childrens menu then she orders from the adult menu, there is no set rule

  31. depends on the restaraunt. Usually between 11-13.

    The restaraunt I managed It was 10.

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