
How old does my baby have to be before I can give her peanut butter?

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She turned one and I want to let her try a pbj and other snack with pb.




  1. Id say your ok at 18 months to 2 years as long as your not using the one with bits in. As people can suffer from nut allergies commonly id say to give her a tiny bit at a time.

  2. I gave my daughter peanut butter a while after she turned two.

  3. because of the serious threat of peanut allergies, it's best to wait until she's older than two.

  4. There really is no definitive answer to this question. Much depends on your family history. If you or anyone in your child's family has a food allergy or allergic type disorder (like asthma or eczema) or if your child has had a food allergy in the past, then you should wait to introduce peanuts and peanut butter. How long? According to the American Academy of Pediatrics, you should wait until your child is 3 years old.

    In addition, mothers with any history of a peanut allergy in the family should avoid peanuts and peanut butter in the third trimester of pregnancy and for as long as they are nursing their children.

    If there is none of the above in you or your child's history, however, then peanut butter can be a healthy addition to the diet even before your child turns 1 year old. Just be sure to avoid giving big spoonfuls of peanut butter and never give children under 3 years of age whole peanuts because these pose a choking hazard.

    With all that said, be aware that a peanut allergy can be severe, lifelong and potentially deadly. Look for signs of an allergic reaction such as:


    difficulty breathing or asthma symptoms

    swelling of the mouth or throat

    vomiting or diarrhea

    loss of consciousness

    These signs can appear in just minutes or they make take hours, so be watchful during this time and do not wait to call 9-1-1 or your health care provider. Call immediately!

    If you are concerned about your child having a peanut allergy, the only real way to avoid the danger is to avoid peanuts and peanut butter altogether. But be aware that for the majority of children, there is no danger.

    I tried some with my daughter at 18months and she got a rash. Now they tell me not to use it until age 3.  Also the second time she eats it she may get a BAD reaction where it can be deadly.

    I love peanut butter and I hope one day my kids will be eating it with me.  

  5. My doctor said 18 months.  

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