
How old does my baby have to be before he starts gerber stage 3 foods?

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...he'll be 8 months sept 7th?




  1. You don't need to keep buying baby food. Stage 3 food is JUST LIKE TABLE FOOD...So why don't you save your money and feed baby something tons healthier that he will probably like some steamed veggies and a whole grain roll?? Or Veggies and pasta or rice...or some homemade casserole with REAL veggies without having all the extra c**p they put in baby food??

    Really look into baby-led weaning you and your little one might be happier and it is a little messy at times but so much more fun...

    a link to look at...

  2. It really depends on if he's ready for it. My daughter was on stage 3 foods at 6 months! They just stage the foods at different consistencies based on an average child age but some may be ready before the stated age and some may be a little later.

    Try him with a small bit to see how he takes it, he may gag but that's natural. Take it easy and start to wean him onto them slowly. If he's anything like my little girl you'll wonder what all the worrying was about!!! x*x

  3. Like the other ladies said It depends on the baby. My Daughter started at 7months.

  4. I started both my kids on stage 3 at 7 and a half months...good luck

  5. i agree with natty.

    i never ever went by age, i always tried her and if she wasnt ready, i delayed her a few weeks then tried again. it was hard to get her off stage 1, but when i eventually did get her on to stage 2, she was only on it 2wks maximum till she was ready for stage 3, and then after just under 2wks on stage 3, she was on table food.

  6. I've never seen Gerber Stage 3 but for Heinz Stage 3, the recommended age is 8 months. I imagine they're the same thing though.

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