
How old does my hamster look?

by  |  earlier

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ok he is either 1 or 2, i cant remember when i bought him




  1. well i can't see the pic, but it is difficult to tell how old a hamster is by their appearance...usually they look the same regardless of whether they're 1, 2 or 3

  2. I can't view your picture because I don't have myspace!

  3. i don't have an account and im not allowed to.

  4. sorry, can't view it on myspace

  5. Put the picture somewhere else NOT ON MYSPACE!

  6. i tryed because i have a myspace account but it say its either been deleted of private to user so... sorry

  7. I'm sorry, but the other users are right.

    That picture is not viewable.

    Perhaps you could upload it to Photobucket? ( )

    Anyways, as long as your hamster is healthy, it's age doesn't really matter...but you say that you perhaps got it a year back, so I can say that he is at least a year old!

    By the way, I think I've seen you in the LGBT section if I haven't mistaken.



    Have a Good Day!


    ¸.•*´`*♥Shining Star♥*´`*•.

  8. Photo deleted or private

  9. i have an account. but your pic is on private.

  10. People who don't have myspace won't be able to view your picture. Upload it to imageshack or something.

    I have myspace but it said the image had been moved or deleted.

  11. hamsters don't live many years anyway.

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