
How old for little girls first hair cut?

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My 2 1/2 year old daughter has hair like mine which is quite thick and curly. It's quite long ( past her shoulders ) and i am intending to grow it long. I haven't taken her to the hair dressers ever or taken a pair of scissors to her hair myself. Her fringe always seems to be in her way and when her hair is down the hair at the front gets in the way constantly. I won't touch her hair as i don't want to ruin it and wouldn't know what i was doing. I was just wondering what age people usually get their daughters first hair cut? Would you just get a trim or get it cut into a nice style? She is only 2 1/2. Thanks x




  1. My daughter is 23 months old and I trim her hair just about every 2 months. I keep her hair braided (Plated), in barrettes, and rubber bands. I think if you take her to the hair dresser to get a trim it wouldn't her her. Good Luck

  2. I got my little girls hair cut at 2 years old. It really depends on if the child is ready for a hair cut (i.e can she sit still long enough for them to trim it.)

    I personally only got my daughters bangs cut for her first hair cut. That way she could see and it wouldn't bother her.

  3. my 11 month was alomost 9 months when we got her bangs trimmed. she was born with a full head of hair. Your little girl is old enough to get a cute little style. Take her to a hair dresser, maybe yours can do it

    she can keep it long if thats what you want, she could just style it a little and trim it to keep it healthy

  4. Hi there! your daughter sounds like she has fabulous hair!

    I am a haidresser, and a SAHM but I do all the kids in my mothers group, the youngest was around 1yr old.

    I would take her in to your hairdresser while you have a trim so she can see that its all good, then sit her in the chair to have her hair platted or brushed, then take her back the next day for a trim herself.

    She might move around a bit but all little ones love having their hair brushed, so start with that and see how she copes.

    I would not get to fussy, just a trim on the ends and maybe a fringe,

    if it is sitting heavy on the ends get it layed to take the bulk out but not too much as you probably still want to be able to pull it back.

    Good luck!!

    Ps is there any 'childrens salons' in your area?? I am in Sydney and there are a few around where the little ones get to watch DVDS while having hair cut and get to sit in seats shaped as horses or bikes etc

  5. If you get it cut it will grow much healthier, let the hairdresser help you make decisions as to whether a cut or a style as it is hard for me to say without looking at her.  Good luck

  6. personally, I just used barrettes and rubberbands to keep my daughter's hair out of her face. She got her first haircut, and donated the hair to locks of love, at almost 5 years old. her hair was below her waist at that point. We literally kept it in braids unless it was being washed or brushed so it would not get tangled. My friend got her daughters hair trimmed every once in a while, but got her first real haircut with my daughter (at almost 6 years old) and also donated her hair.

    My youngest son got his first haircut at 15 months old. I was going to wait a few more months, but people kept mistaking him for a girl. and his hair got matted just from sitting in his car seat.

    My oldest son got his hair trimmed for the first time when he was just a few months old. I used cuticle scissors to cut his bangs because they were in his eyes. all my kids were born with a full head of hair

  7. There is no "set" age to get your children's hair cut. When they need it, they need it. I am a hairstylist who works at a children's hair salon, called Snip Its. The youngest I have cut was 4 months old. The  younger they are when you start bringing them, the better they will behave and the sooner they will get used to it. A lot of kids freak out and throw a tantrum. Those kids are usually the ones that didn't get there first cut until they were older. You should look for a Snip Its Salon near you, it is a GREAT place for kids to get there hair cut. It is very fun for them. The stylists are trained to cut kids hair and can cut it even if they are wiggling. I would also say that maybe just get your daughters hair trimmed up a bit, possibly put some long layers in it to make the curls bounce up a bit. Good Luck!

  8. cut it when you feel that it is too much.. it might be easier on you to cut it now

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