
How old is a child when they usally lear to tie there shoes?

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I know it varies with children but i have a 4 year old niece that i raise with my dad BTW im 13 and plan on trying to teacher her but im not sure if its too early or not so when is it usally time to teach them




  1. If she's interested then try to teach her, make it fun or she wont want to learn. If she's not interested wait six months and try again. Remember she's still very young she might find it tricky. Alot of kids don't learn until they are 6+. Have fun :)

  2. Usually they should learn from when they're four to six years old, before they start kindergarten, or possibly preschool.

    You can teach them the double loop tie first if it's hard for them to learn.  

  3. She's ready.  Late 2s to 6.

    TX Mom

  4. It's a great time now.  Usually by the time they go to school a child can tie their shoe (not very well).

  5. i was 10 b4 i knew how to tie my shoes

    dont be too hard on her

    say make the bunny smile by tieing his ears so he doesnt get them dirty :D

  6. Kindergarten, that is something that they will teach them in kindergarten if they don't know before hand but they have to know before 1st grade.  They can start to learn around 3-4 years old but some just take longer to do it.  

  7. my grandkids were supposed to know their letters and numbers plus tie their shoes by kindergarden

  8. 4-6 is usually the range that they learn and perfect but it also depends on how much effort one puts into teaching some may learn at 3 and some may not completely know until 7

    You can start now  

  9. My sister is 6 and does not know how to tie yet [she is getting the concept, tough] . I actually struggled up until I was 7 or 8.

    It depends on the kid.

  10. they should know before they go to school

  11. I wasn't 8 or 9 until I learned,but she'll tie her shoes when she's ready.Hopefully within the next year,she'll be ready

  12. about 4-6 is the best time since I learn at age 5, in kindergarten.

    So yeah its a good time.

    Good luck and CL

    Twiztidforlife taught  his little cousin how to tie shoes, now she tie both of my shoes together at family reunions.

  13. i didn't learn until i was about 6 or so years old- i was slow to learn how to tie but i knew how to put my shoes on right by the time i was 3 lol. i think i just didn't want to pay attention lol. my 4 year old brother who is almost 5 still puts his shoes on the wrong feet.

    you don't have to know how to tie your shoes before you get into school. that has nothing to do with school. my little brother is going into kindergarten and can't tie his shoes, like i said he's just learning to put them on the right feet. i couldn't even unbuckle my overalls in kindergarten- the teacher did it for me- my parents double knotted my shoes befroe school or got my those ones you just pull tight

  14. before they start skool because she wont have you to tie them for her and jus so that she wont have to keep asking people in skool

  15. it depends on how fast there learning is but go for it even if she cnt do it 1st time it doesnt matter just keep trying to learn her

  16. About five. I went to pick up my son on the last day of kindergarten. His report card, which I read out loud, noted that he did not know how to tie his shoelaces. I had been trying, in vain, to teach him. He sat down on the lawn of the school, tied both shoes, and then demanded that I go back in side and make the teacher change the grade card.

  17. I'm 27 years old and I learned in Kindergarten.  So I was 4 and turned 5.  My two boys learned in Kindergarten also.  It was easier for my second child to grasp b/c of watching his brother and having an extra hand.  My oldest doesn't tie the traditional bunny ears way though.  He makes two bunny ears and then ties them together, no looping around and pushing thru if that makes sense.  He just never could get the traditional way.....

  18. Children develop fine motor skills at all different ages; it simply depends upon the child. A child who takes a little longer learning these kinds of tasks is by no means necessarily less intelligent. That being said, typically around the kindergarten age children learn to tie their shoes. 4 is a perfectly viable age, but you'll just have to try and find out if she is ready. Good luck, honey. :)

  19. I was 4, my oldest daughter was 7, and my younger daughter was 5 when we learned.  But all kids learn at different paces.  Give it  a shot!  

    Don't be discouraged if she doesn't get it right away-Albert Einstein never learned to tie his shoes!~

  20. 3 or 4 is when i learned,  

  21. i learned at about 3 or 4, but it depends, just try, give them like a piece of candy if they learn, that makes them want to learn

  22. Start teaching NOW! It used to be that before you could go to kindergarten you had to know how to tie your shoes.(This was before Velcro)  So tons of kids used to learn to tie them before age 5. She is ready.

    EDIT: Amazing how I get a thumbs down because I actually believe that kids are as smart as they were when I was younger. I believe that if you expect things from children, often they will surprise you and be able to do what you expect. If there is no expectation, there is no motivation to succeed. Maybe that's why our teenagers can't spell for anything even WITH a spell check on the computer and maybe that is why some jerk teenager can't make change when his cash register goes down at the local fast food place. I guess if no one expects it, they don't have to live up to anything.

  23. My son didn't learn until he was in Kindergarten. I had tried several times before then but he just wasn't ready to learn. It takes fine motor skills which most 4 years olds don't have...not that she couldn't do it but it will take a lot of working with her on her fine motor skills. If you google search fine motor activities it will give you a large choice of activities you can do with her which will help her with shoes.

  24. Mmm it depends. I learned when i was ike 7 or something. But that was because no one even bothered to teach me. xP

  25. It does vary, quite a bit.  Before school is good, it helps the teacher if they have to put on boots.  Teaching them to tie "bunny ears" often makes it easier.  And they have shoes with velcro now, too.

  26. well she should learn before she starts school

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