
How old is considered too old to adopt a child?

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How old is considered too old to adopt a child?




  1. I wish that I could provide you with a solid answer, but the truth is that it is really dependent on the type of adoption and the adoption agency.  Some countries (for international adoption) have their own rules & regulations about ages.  Some states may also have their own rules & regulations.  And different adoption agencies will have their own rules.  

    I would suggest contacting a local adoption agency in your area and asking them for additional information regarding age requirements.

    Good luck to you!

  2. well it depend how old is the if u r 45 and want to adpot one that is newborn than u will be tooo old. but if ir was like 10 or soo than is would be ok. but i say 40 year old it sorta too old

  3. if you feel you're able to handle a child and all the responsibilities then you should go for it. but in any case.. over the age of 60 might not be too good..

  4. a lot of children need parents... i work for a doctor who has adopted over 8 children and he is over fifty and was over fifty when he adopted them!

  5. That is truly up to the birthparents to make that choice. I would say personally anyone who I don't think would live to see grandchildren is too old.

  6. i wouldnt go older than 40 as you dont want to die before the child has a chance to grow up

  7. the agency my friend used cut off at 40

  8. It depends on the agency you want to use and the country you would like to adopt from....   I've seen cutoffs as low as 35 years old, but then others that will take signficantly older...  It also depends on the age of the child that you would like to adopt.  For adopting an infant, most cutoffs I've seen are between 35 and 45 years old.  However, if you want an older child you could be 50 or even 60.  Good luck no matter what you decide to do!

  9. ur never to old to adopt just as long as u can give the child a good life then u should be o.k

  10. It would depend on your age and the age of the child you would like to adopt. I believe that if you are in your 30's you can go for an infant, maybe even 40 after that I would consider adopting an older child that maybe from a broken home or something to that nature. And It really also depends on the persons health.

  11. The age requirements vary by agency, and by state within the US or by country for international adoption.  If you are just starting to think about adoption, I'd suggest looking at some agencies on the web.  They will usually list their requirements for age, marital status, etc.   Find an agency whose guidelines you meet, and go to an orientation.  (Most agencies have them every month or every other month.)

    If you are past what's considered child bearing age, you will have some difficulty with international infant adoption--it will not be impossible, but you will have a limited choice of countries, so you will have to find an agency that works in a country for which are you qualified.  Each country sets their own requirements, and the agency cannot waive the sending country's rules.  

    The US is a lot less restrictive in terms of age than many of the "popular" foreign adoption countries, so domestic adoption may be less difficult.  Also, age requirements for adoption of an older child are less strict--both internationally and within the US.  

    Good luck!

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