
How old is it ileagal to???

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my friend is dating a girl that is going to turn 18 in a couple months and he is only 16 is this illeagal for her to be dating him at this space in age please answer back with some good sources




  1. nope.. varies state to want sources look it up yourself. It's common sense that if someone is over 18 dating someone younger than 18 that it's stagetory rape, unless the person consents to it.

  2. I've attached a link that cites all laws relating to the issue , age of consent in Colorado.  Age of consent is 15 as long as the adult is not an authority figure over the minor.  See the link for more specifics.

  3. most states have the 2 year limit.but watch out when my brother turned 17 and his girl was still 14 bout to turn 15 her parents tried to take him to the articule below a guy was 17 and jailed for 10 years for oral s*x from a 15 year old

    this was a year ago:

    the age of consent in mexico may be 12 still but it is an old law that they are trying to change.i can assure you if a 12 year old had relations and her father/brother found out there would be blood to be payed.

  4. The age difference being less than two years means that in most states it won't be illegal, or at least wont be a felony for them to engage in sexual activity. It's extremely rare for this to be pursued when the female is older, anyhow.

  5. in mexico the age of consentment is only 12.  tell your friend to go there

  6. yes in some states. depends on things... here in ga there is the romeo and juliet law that says within 3 years its ok but otherwise 18 is illegal.

  7. Depends on state law, but yes he could be arrested in some states

  8. 16-17 with parental consent only., both parents. If the parents don't approve or she's unwilling to marry she could be charged with statutory rape if they have sexual relations.

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