
How old is joe jonass!!!! cuz when we get married i dont want it to be illigal?

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How old is joe jonass!!!! cuz when we get married i dont want it to be illigal?




  1. i feel bad for you.

  2. joee is

    turning 19

    in augustt but

    im sorryy hes my

    fiancee =]] im sorryy sweetiee


  3. He's turning 19 on August 15th.

    Sorry to break it to ya, but there's honestly no chance of you marrying him.

    'Cause he's already with me.

    Haha kidding. We're divorced.

  4. Hey mike ~Joe jonas is a little hottie my 16 yr old and 14 yr old think so too. He reminds me of the Shawn Cassidy,  Leif Garret Days  lol that cute pretty boy look. wow is is really turning 19 huh if I was not married I might ask him myself lol

  5. lmfao your funny

  6. life .... get one

  7. annnnd, WHAT grade are you going to be in this year?!

    Sheesh, how juvenile... thanks for the 2 pts!

  8. Joe is 18

    Good Luck =)

  9. what are you like 12??

  10. joe jonas is 18 it depends r u 18 if not it will b illigul

  11. lol that's really sad

  12. Ha hA HA HA


    this is soo funny

    what aa lameo

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