
How old is king henry VII?

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How old is king henry VII?




  1. King Henry VII was born on 28 January 1457 and died 21 April, 1509, making him 52 years old when he died.

  2. King Henry VII of England was the father of Henry VIII and the first Tudor Monarch, he died at the age of 52. Your tense is wrong - your question should have read "How old was King Henry VII?"

  3. 600 years old

  4. There is a roumour,I know,I know,I shouldn't listen to rumours but,I did hear someone say that he was spotted in a 7/11 chatting with Elvis and some other dude named Jesus.

  5. If you mean Henry VII of England, the first Tudor king, he was born on January 28, 1457, so if he were still alive, he'd be, um, 550-1/2

  6. He's been dead since 1509.  (People stop aging after they die!)

  7. he would be 498 years old if he were alive. he died in 1509 at the age of 52.

  8. I think he stopped aging when he died.

  9. Ummm yeah well his dead. Global History. Protestant Reformation. Catholics declining in Europe. The Church of England. St. Thomas Moore the martyr. Yeah all good stuff to know. Deffinatly at least know the dude's dead.

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