
How old is my cat in cat years?

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My cat was born exactly 1 year and 5 months ago, so how old is she in cat years? She still act rebellious and I mean she will run around crazy and bite people's feet {she's trying to play with them}. I"m wondering how long more will it be until she starts to get lazy like every other cat when they age and just want to sleep, eat and be cuddled with? If you can help also, how can I prevent my cat from biting and chewing on the edge of our rugs all over the house?




  1. She is a little over 10 years old in cat years. Cats age 7 years to our 1. Females are usually more independent in nature than males. If she is spayed, she should calm down at some point. You could always try a squirt bottle when she is biting your feet. Cats should never be allowed to bite. Unless you brush your cats teeth daily...and who really has time for that...there are all kinds of bacteria in a cat's mouth. At work, if we are bitten by a cat, you are put on antibiotics immediately. they can get pretty nasty.

    Another thing you could try is that cat pheremone that plugs into the has been known to help make cats calmer.  

    You can buy it at the pet store, online, or at your vet.

    That may help with the rug situation as well. Pet stores or even Wal Mart also sell a spray that will deter her from chewing anything that you apply it to. The downside to it is that it has to be applied relatively frequently.

    I wish you the best of luck.


    Some cats stay active like that for at least 2 years or more. Keep having some play time with her every day and that should satisfy her.

    Spray the edge of the rug with vinegar or a bitter apple spray that they sell at pet stores. Also, give her something that it's okay to chew on. My cat loves chewing on plastic drinking straws and plastic spoons. Just make sure you trim off shredded edges or give her a new one when she tears it up.

  3. A little over 15

    a 1 year old cat is equivalent to a 15 year old human

    a 2 year old cat is equivalent to a 25 year old human

    a 3 year old cat is equivalent to a 32 year old human

    a 4 year old cat is equivalent to a 40 year old human

    a 5 year old cat is equivalent to a 45 year old human

    a 10 year old cat is equivalent to a 60 year old human

    a 15 year old cat is equivalent to a 72 year old human

    a 20 year old cat is equivalent to a 90 year old human

    a 25 year old cat is equivalent to a 105 year old human

    a 30 year old cat is equivalent to a 120 year old human

    *All are estimated, not exact*

  4. Getting a cat fixed if you haven't already usually helps.

  5. i think 9 1/5 years or something?

    my kitty still runs around doing that also and he's 2 years old! (in human years)

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