
How old is my parakeet

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I just brought my new parakeet two days ago- and was wondering how old is he? I know that he is the smallest of the other birds. He is close to 4in tall (not including tail feathers) with tall fearthers 5 1/2 in long. i just want to know if he's still a baby or not. By the way since he's the only one- I want to get another one to join him so he won't be loney. I want to get a girl but i don't know how he will react. He's really quiet and shy for now. Thanks for your help!!




  1. idk.

  2. It's impossible the tell the age of a bird by how they look. The only definitive way to know is if you get it at a breeder who's bred the birds himself. There are ways to somewhat tell if a bird is aged or not, but again, that still cannot give an exact age.

    You can always take him to the vet and he can make you an estimate.

    I remeber taking my relatively new bird to the vet when I first got her a few years ago and when we bought her, we were told she was about 6-8 months old but the doctor realized she was already sexually mature and was at least 3 years old just by examination.  

  3. I think that only the breeder can give you the exact age of the bird. Parakeets don't usually grow very large, so it's hard to tell if its still a baby or not. Try asking the person that sold the keet to you. If you are considering getting a companion for your bird, I'd advise you to keep them in separate cages for at least 2 months, because when I bought my parakeet a companion, I made the mistake of keeping them in the same cage and one killed the other.

  4. If you bought the bird from a pet store there's really no way to tell. Unless the birds are very young, there's no defining characteristic that lets you know how old a bird is.

    As for getting another bird- Your bird doesn't need a buddy if you're going to provide him with lots of toys and actually pay attention to him. If you do want another bird though, you need to be prepared for a few things. Not all birds will like one another, regardless of gender, color or anything else. You need to be able to slowly introduce the birds, in separate cages, and see how they go from there. If you decide on a female, you'll have to worry about eggs, possible egg binding, resulting chicks, finding homes for the chicks, etc. You can get another male and they'll just be friends, without the issue of breeding.  There's no guarantee that which ever s*x you choose though your bird will like the new one. Then you have to accept you'll have 2 birds in separate cages to take care of.

  5. You can never tell the exact age when you get a bird from a petstore, but a sign is the black stripes on the top of their heads. If the black stripes are touching the cere (skin patch just above the beak) then your parakeet is a baby. When the black stripes slowly disappear, then your bird is a bit older.
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