
How old is old enough??

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At what age do you think a boy is old enough to wash himself and his hair with no help? My son is 6 and he can wash himself but I still help and wash his hair for him. I'm still afraid of him slipping getting out of the tub so I help him in and out. My boyfriend says he's old enough and I was just wanting some other opinions.




  1. well, you are his mother! my daughter is gonna be 8 in july and i still wash her hair for her! i leave the bathroom after that and just keep checking on her! is your son comfortable with you helping him? i think that you should ask him what he wants not your bf!if he is ready to do it himself let him tell you!

  2. any age it depends hoe the child developes

  3. my daughters are 5 and 7 and they both take showers and baths by themselves...i think he's old enough.

  4. Yeah, just make sure you don't baby him or he'll never do it by himself.

    Just watch him get in and out for a while, but only help him if he gets hurt. Then you will feel more confortable letting him do it hisself.

  5. You could allow him to bathe himself and just sit in the bathroom with him.  It's a good time to unwind, talk about his day, etc.  I'd say by 7 or 8 you should feel more comfortable leaving him in there alone, even if you prefer to leave the door open just in case.  But with so many accidents happening with kids in the bath, it's ok to err on the side of caution.

  6. I think six is old enough to clean himself but I can understand your concerns. While he is bathing you could sit in the bathroom with him to keep an eye on him. You can see how he manages to get in and out of the tub. When you are satisfied that he has mastered these skills you can either leave him to his affairs or just remove yourself from the room, waiting outside the door until you are ready to leave him alone. Being a parent isn't always watching your children take baby-steps but also having to take them yourself from time to time. Good luck.

  7. Honey, my son has been getting his own bath and showers since he was 4. My son wanted his privacy, so I gave it to him. I just let him use the baby shampoo so if soap gets in his eyes it doesnt sting.

    PS..Is he your only child?

  8. He's probably old enough.  Boys have shorter hair so it's not as hard as with girls to get it clean.  If you're worried about him slipping just make sure the tub has a non slip mat and the bath rug is non slip.  You might want to let him keep using the tearless shampoo till he figures out how to keep it out of his eyes.  Don't allow him to lock the door so you can get in if something happens.

  9. Ask him how he feels about you letting him being a big boy and bathing himself without mommys help...and depending on his answer go on from there! but if he says that he thinks he can do it himself make sure you tell him what  to do and how to be safe!

  10. ask him.

  11. Welll i have a 5 yr old daughter and i still wash her hair and help her out of the tub...I think 7 is a good age to teach him how to do things like wash his hair and etc.

  12. that's a good question.  i think six sounds about don't want to start invading his privacy.

  13. I still help my 15 year old daughter in and out of the tub. She is a slow learner.

  14. It depends on your child.  When you wash his hair, talk to him about what to do step by step. Then, next time , let him tell you how to wash his hair.  After that let him was his own hair with you standing by for help. Finally, monitor a few more times and then, let him go solo.  Just inspect his hair. : )

  15. My 2 1/2 year old gets out of the bathtub by herself (it's a deep, jetted tub).  As long as you're confident that he's getting himself clean in the right place and adequately rinsed off, let him do it himself.  He's got to gain the skills sometime!  :)

  16. He is old enough already.  Don't worry so much.  If you are worried about him getting hurt in the tub, just make sure he leaves the bathroom door unlocked or open in case you hear him or he needs your help.  Please don't be like my mother in law, she STILL bathes my 11 1/2 yr old nephew!

  17. My 5 year old and 7 year olds both bathe themselves.  They also get in and out of the bathtub unassisted.

  18. he is old enough to bathe him self if he knows how to my baby sister is 6 and she gives her self a bath with out our help at all.

  19. I would say hes old enough. Just have him use the baby shampoo (good advice) and mabey give him warning for a few times that these will be the last few times you help him. Teach him to do it himself in this time. Like how to make sure the shampoo is all washed out. Not sure how involved with him your boyfriend is but if hes living with you guys perhaps he could be available just in case on occasion the lil guy needs help getting in or out or needs any other help. That way he isnt having mom in there. So best plan is to just give him advanced warning and train him before you have him do it alone. He is very capable. He will be fine.

  20. My dad gets my brother out of the tub so he wont slip. But he can do all that his self. He is 7..

  21. Your boyfriend should ask his mom how old he was when he did not need help anymore.  If you are just helping him out I do not see a problem.  And alot of kids need help at that age.  They are having alot of things change for them, don't rip mom away yet.

  22. 6 year

  23. he is old enough for sure but maybe if you are afraid of him falling out of the tup you can put a bar that will hold him back (from babies R us) and get a step stool so he himself can climb in. you can get also a rubber mat from babies R us to stick to the bottom of the tub to prevent him from slipping.

    all i can add is that he definitely old enough and is capable of this task by himself.

    I hope i answered your question to your satisfaction!

  24. i would say between 5 and 6 just as long as you show them exactly how to wash themselves and rinse good they should be fine. explain how important it is that they do it right..

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