
How old is old??

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When is a person old?? I'd say 80.




  1. When they stop learning, being active and ambitious is when a person gets old.

    It can happen at any age.

  2. 90, man, and older of course

  3. About 70 in my opinion. Whenever they reach the age when they lose enthusiasm for being youthful.

  4. old is when you're more than 18. that's often the time you're old enough to know better.

  5. I'd say seventeen. Old enough to know better.

  6. old for what?

    For me 16+ is old. As i am 15. and <14 is young.

  7. For me, being old is as soon as your over 45 and have gray hair, haha.

  8. old is when you get to the point in life that you can't do anything at all. When your mind won't function as it used to,  because it is so tired and messed up.

    When you see yourself and not having anything to hold onto.

    even though the body ages, The spirit can forever reamin young if we allow it to. So there is never an age that is TOO old.

  9. when you feel it to be

  10. 66

  11. 26
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