
How old is "old enough" for a kid to walk home from school with friends? It's maybe half mile, and he is a boy

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Oh yeah-they have to cross a very busy intersection, but it does have a crossing guard.




  1. I would say at age 10 or so - he could walk that far home pretty easily and safely. By that age they know more of what they are doing.

    I dont see why it made any difference that he was a boy - I would allow my daughter to walk also.

  2. My daughter just started walking home with friends this year and she is in the 5th grade.  it really depends on the child, area where you live, and your comfort level.  You can let him do it one day but be sneaking and try to stake out somewhere so you can see whats going on and what they do... if that makes you feel better.

    Before yo let them walk home by themselves make sure you have a takl with them. Dont use the word stranger, tell him "Dont get a ride from anyone - not even your friends parents."

    EDT:  Unfortunatly, many s*x offenders live in almost every neighbrohood.  I know our first instinct is to keep our kids right by our sides to protect them, but our best defense is to equipe our children with the best information and skills to not allow themselves to be put in a harmful situation.  obviously, the age of your son is a huge factor and having friends walk together is a big plus.   My daughter doesnt have to cross a busy intersection, she only has to walk a couple blocks... and there are many parents walking with their kids.  I feel its safe to allow her to walk.. if you dont feel safe then by no means allow him to walk home - but there will be a time as he gets older that you do need to extend him some trust.  Hope this helps.

    One more EDIT:  I agree with the answer that says to teach him self defense - but Karate isnt really the same as self defense when it comes to say a s*x defender.  I enrolled me and my daughter in a class where they taught ways to get away from someone much much stronger than you.  the class also taught kids how to get out of a trunk that has a trunk release, things like that.

  3. depends very much on where you live, both in terms of traffic and in terms of the general character of the neighborhood.

    where i live (a suburb where it's a big shocking crime if kids vandalize a mailbox), i've seen lots of fifth graders walking home from school with friends but no adult.  but i'd be suprised to see someone younger.

  4. it all depends on how responsible your child is . it also does not sound like you live in a great should know your child make an informed decision.

  5. This is a tough question.  It depends on the maturity of the child, who he is going to walk with and is he going to be home alone.  I made the decision to let my son walk home this year.  He is 11.  He walks with several kids from the neighborhood and one father.  The father walks him right to the door.  He has a cell phone and calls dad as soon as he gets home.  He then stays in the house and does not answer the phone or door until I get home.  A neighbor knocked one day to test him and was completely ignored.  I am still nervous but so far it has worked out ok.

  6. Does he know Karate or any other form of self-defense? I wouldn't let him walk to the mail box alone unless he could honestly defend himself against a predator. And the fact that you have that many in the general area, my kid wouldn't walk.

  7. I walked a mile to and from school each day, alone, when I was eight. Half a mile with a group of friends should pose no danger.

  8. I agree that it depends on the area in which you live but it also depends heavily on the maturity level of your son. If you are positive that he can be trusted to come straight home from school and not be out messing around with his friends. Have you walked with him on the route that he will be taking home? If not I would just so that you can see what he will be walking near and what is around there. I would also have a long talk with him, telling him that he is never to get into a car with anyone unless he has received permission directly from you first. A good tactic would be setting up a code word with your son, something that no one would know unless you told them. That way if someone shows up and says your mom or dad asked me to pick you up, your son can ask for the code word and if they don't know it he will know that they are lying and that he needs to run away and find a trusted adult. Also you should find out if there are reliable businesses on his route home so that if something were to happen he has a public place to go to and ask for help. I would also strongly recommend getting him a cell phone. They make phones for children that can only call certain preset phone numbers. This way he has a way to get in touch with you in case of emergency.

  9. That's not very far at all. My old MS is a little more than that and I think anything 10+ is totally fine.

  10. I did when I was in kindergarden. but I wasn't alone. also it wasn't that far. or have big roads.  make sure they have a friend or family with themuntill they are 15+.

  11. and 11 year old

  12. my mom met me half way since i was 9-11 , to make sure i was safe but 2 giv me privicy then i walked wit m8s

  13. 9 yrs old

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