
How old is the average person when they have to get their wisdom teeth pulled?

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How old is the average person when they have to get their wisdom teeth pulled?




  1. Had mine taken out recently just this month and I'm 24. But dentist told me I should've taken it out in my teens cos the tooth toughens up over time. My sister had hers 18.

  2. Im 25 and just had my first one pulled , they came in straight but it got decayed...

  3. Why?  Are yours causing you problems?  I ask that because a lot of people dont ever get theirs pulled.  Im 24 and I still have all my teeth!

  4. It varies, depends on your dentist and the persons present condition.

    I am about to get mine pulled at 23 but I know many people who have gotten them pulled in there 40's.

  5. i got my wisdom teeth pulled when i was 16 but they werent all the way out.

  6. Uh, you might not believe this, but a lot of people Never get their wisdom teeth pulled.  I'm one of them.

  7. 18--------------------------------> 88

  8. it depends. now a days people are getting their wisdom teeth pulled at like 16 years old and up but some never have to

  9. I think that most people have troubles with them and take them out in their teens.  Others take them out anyway in their teens because recovery time is easier and there's less chance of an infection.  

    Personally, I waited and noticed that I had troubles earlier this year and finally had them removed.  I'm 28.  No big whoop!  

  10. 17 or 18 i think ... thats when i have to get mine.. but its all different for others. it kinda depends on the individual's conditions

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