
How old is the computer your using right now? what OS are you using?

by  |  earlier

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(i'm bored so i want to see how old some peoples computers are.)




  1. Less than 1 year, windows vista.

  2. i'm using a commodore 64.

  3. My husband built both my computer and his in August/September of last year.  We both are using the Windows 2000 because we don't want any problems and there are still big problems with Vista.  My husband is a computer professional, and we'll 'upgrade' our computers in another year ... we do that every two years, like clockwork!  

  4. i have about 8 computers.

    the one im on now is 2 yrs old.

    my main computer is 7 yrs old (ibook g3)

    my oldest computer was built in 1997 (powermac g3 6500/250)

  5. I built this computer in 2003, it is running Windows XP and is dual boot with Ubuntu.

    It is an AMD 2600+ with one gigabyte of PC3200 RAM.

  6. I am using Ubuntu.

    I built my own PC, and I add to it routinely, so I don't know how old it would be considered.  It is fairly powerful, so I would say it's 2007 or so.

  7. PC is 4years old (Custom Built by myself)

    2.4ghz P4 CPU

    1gb PC2100 RAM

    256mb GeForce 6200

    160gb + 250gb WD IDE Hard Drives

    Operating Platform Linux

    Installed distros.

    Ubuntu 7.10

    Ubuntu 8.04.1

    Linux Mint 3.1

    Linux Mint 4.0


  8. Mine is 6mos. old and I am at

  9. Laptop: 1 yr, Windows Vista Home Premium

    Desktop: 6 mo, Windows Vista Home Premium

  10. Optiplex GX50 FTW!  

    Honestly, I can't tell you how old it is. I can run XP on it though. I just can't open more than 1 Explorer window at a time!

  11. i just got my laptopp(: windows vista

  12. i bought mine in '07 and it has windows xp. its not old, sorry

  13. 2006, Dell Dimension 8200; 512mb memory, XP SP2

    Funny answer: Commodore 64

    Want to make your old machine run like a new one?  Double your memory. (min: 1gb or 512mb if thats all your machine will take)  Make sure you know the Computer Maker's specifications for the chips.

  14. I use a 4 year old with xp.

    The first one was a TI-994/A a looong time ago, and when I put it away, it was still working fine. No hard drive, you saved your work on a cassette tape. Learned a little Basic programming, which helped to learn html. But I've stopped with that. No higher computer language.

    Since that long-ago day, we've had an IBM, a Tandy from Radio Shack, & a Compaq and Dell.

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