
How old is the earth

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how old is the world or earth




  1. 5.3 billion years old, but life started 4.6 million years ago

  2. 6 billion years old

  3. 3 weeks older than Larry King

  4. 4.54 billion years old. All scientific evidence leads towards it.

    NOT 6000 YEARS OLD. Stupid creationists.

  5. billions or years. don't know the exact number.

  6. approximately 4.6 billion years

  7. 4.54 billion years.

  8. Earth is about 4.5 billion years old. By contrast, the universe itself is known to be about 14.5 billion years old.This means that you could travel in a straight line at the speed of 186,242 miles per SECOND, for 14.5 billon years till you got to the end of the known universe! Also, our sun, is now about 5 billion years old and is expected to live another 5 billion years before is dies(supernova) --and takes earth and our solar system with it.

  9. old


  11. Accually, the earth is not 3 weeks older then Larry's the other way around.....

  12. About 4.54 Billion Years old.

    I found a website that has a GREAT book on PDF, I paid the big bucks for it but if you are really interested its online free to read.

    I also left a USGS link.

  13. 4.6 billion years

  14. about 4 and1/2 billion years according to scientists.

  15. Estimated around 4.5 billion years old.

  16. Below is a link with various maps of the continental breakups.  Initially the continents were all connected and the continent was called Pangaea.  Over the millions of years the continents changed more and more---the maps show you what it looked like, there is a name given to the maps which I am not sure if it represents an era, and the approx. age, but I think that it is safe to assume that we are over 220 million years old

  17. Just a wee bit older than john MCCAIN'T!!!

  18. No one really knows, its all theory. Religious ppl state about 6-10,000 years according to the bible, they don't believe dinosaurs are as old as they make out, basically the dating methods are inaccurate.

    Scientists, use things like red shift, expanding universe theories to try and prove it. Who really knows, none of us where there, so we really can only guess. I have heard debates on both sides. Personally i stay away from questions that cannot be answered without evidence to back it up.
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