
How old is the mongoloid race ?

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How old is the mongoloid race ?




  1. It's the youngest race there is.

    The oldest fully recognisable as Mongoloid remains are only about 11,000 years old (America) but 7,000 years old in Asia. Before that the people in Asia had a mix of Caucasian and Asian skull feautes, like the Ainu.It's entirely possible they evolved into the calssic mongoloid form from Ainu-type people in the Northern parts of America.

    For comparison, the oldest classically Caucasian skull is about 31,000 years old from the Mladec site in the Czech republic; the oldest N£groid skull about 13,500 years old from Jebel Sahaba in the Sudan.

    Mongoloids are the babies of the family. They sure seem to have done well though, they are the dominant racial group now numerically.

  2. Race is not biological.  It's a social construct, totally invented by humans.

  3. Not as old as Ethiopid Africans people.

    Not as young as European people. Somewhere in the middle. Calling East Asians  "Mongoloid" is very hill-billy or Chav talk, depending on the nationality of whoever posted this question. All humans belong to the same race or else people from different continents could not intebreed. Call East Asians  by their name East Asian. They are the descendants Khoisan Africans. Only Khoisan have  browner skin because they do not use skin bleaching creams and live in a hotter climate. East Asian and Khoisan have physically similar traits: single eyelids (as compared to the double eyelids of Ethiopid populations, South Asian and Middle Eastern populations, North/ South/ West European populations). It is a strongly inherited trait among the Khoisan, West African peoples and East Asian peoples---only physically changed by blepharoplasty. Khoisan and East Asian populations also share coarse hair texture. As shiny as East Asian hair is, it is very coarse. Khoisan people have various hair textures that can range from peppercorn texture to very straight and shiny. But Khoisan peoples have coarse hair much like East Asians. The Khoisan people were the original inhabitants of much of southern Africa before the southward Bantu migrations—coming down the east and west coasts of Africa.There is  archaeological evidence bearing Khoisan as one of the world's oldest ethnic groups. The distinct characteristics of all human varieties, from those of East Asia have beginnings in the physiology of the Khoisan people.

  4. As you may have realised from the variety of answers people are still working that one out.

    We can date genetic shifts and mutations that may or may not be linked to changes in physical features but only approximately not exactly.

    My personal guess based on current data?

    Probably about 20000 - 16000  BCE?

    HOWEVER those protoMongoloids or East Asians probably looked more like modern Central Asians or the Ainu or Polynesians?

    Finally there's the problem of race being a construct.

    In terms of physical anthropology if one uses "race" as a group classifier should one use genes or physical features as a parameter?

    It's really not possible to give exact times !

  5. There is no "mongoloid" race.

    There is one race of humans on the planet; Homo Sapiens Sapiens,!


    There is a wealth of information in the link above.

    But to answer your question, as some stated above their is now thought to be NO such thing as a "Mongoloid Race"

    That does not mean that there haven't been scientists and anthropologists that have described them as follows

    Futuyma believes the Mongoloid race "diverged 41,000 years ago" from a Mongoloid and Caucasoid group which diverged from Negroids "110,000 years ago"

    Peter Brown (1999) evaluates three sites with early East Asian modern human skeletal remains (Liujiang, Liuzhou, Guangxi, China; Zhoukoudian's Upper Cave; and Minatogawa in Okinawa) dated to between 10,175 to 33,200 years ago, and finds lack of support for the conventional designation of skeletons from this period as "Proto-Mongoloid"; this would make Neolithic sites 5500 to 7000 years ago (e.g. Banpo) the oldest known Mongoloid remains in East Asia, younger than some in the Americas. He concludes that the origin of the Mongoloid phenotype remains unknown, and could even lie in the New World.

    A 2006 study of linkage disequilibrium finds that northern populations in East Asia started to expand in number between 34 and 22 thousand years ago (KYA), before the last glacial maximum at 21–18 KYA, while southern populations started to expand between 18 and 12 KYA, but then grew faster, and suggests that the northern populations expanded earlier because they could exploit the abundant megafauna of the ‘‘Mammoth Steppe,’’ while the southern populations could increase in number only when a warmer and more stable climate led to more plentiful plant resources such as tubers.


    Bhavan identifies Northeast India Mongoloids to be a subrace called the "Paleo-Mongoloid", being the "dominant element in the tribes living in Assam and the Indo-Burmese frontiers... Sikkim and Bhutan... [and] Tibetan mongoloids"[25]

    In 1900, Joseph Deniker said, the "Mongol race admits two varieties or subraces: Tunguse or Northern Mongolian... and Southern Mongolian"[7] The people of East Asia are called "Northern Mongoloids".[26] Archaeologist Peter Bellwood claims that the "vast majority" of people in Southeast Asia, the region he calls the "clinal Mongoloid-Australoid zone", are "Southern Mongoloids" but have a "high degree" of Australoid admixture. [27] Ainus are considered Southern Mongoloids even though they live in East Asia.[26] Sinodonty and Sundadonty are dentition patterns that correspond to the Northern Mongoloid vs. Southern Mongoloid distinction.

    It is a term that was widely adopted, In 1915, "anthropologist Arthur de Gobineau" defined the extent of the "Mongolian" race, "by the yellow the Altaic, Mongol, Finnish and Tartar branches."

    But it was In 1897, WEB DuBois, sociologist and historian, said, "[t]he final word of science, so far, is that we have at least two perhaps three, great families of human beings -- the whites and Negroes, possibly the yellow race [he calls this "Mongolian" later. The other races have arisen from the intermingling of the blood of these two." Later, there was a "change in his anthropological view", where he postulated "Negroids and Mongoloids are primary, with Caucasoids listed as a type between these, possibly formed by their union, with bleached skin and intermediate hair.


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