
How old is the oldest person in your family tree?

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I have someone in my tree born in 1786 that died in 1903... I guess we didn't call Guiness




  1. That would be 117 years.  Not likely.  Unless you can find facts to prove it, like visit the cemetery and see the headstone, find a death certificate or something, the more likely case is whose ever tree you were looking at had false information, as is usually the case on genealogy sites when dates don't add up.

  2. I have a g-g-g-g-grandmother who died on her birthday...100th birthday.  Quite a bit less than yours....

  3. 103

  4. Best I have was 102.

  5. The oldest in my tree are my maternal grandmother at 96

    and her youngest sister at 95, my mother is still going strong at 91.

    There are many legends and claims about people living extraordinary long lives, but the person with the longest lifespan that is well-documented is Jeanne Calment of France. She lived from 1875 to 1997 and died when she was 122 years and 164 days old. She lived in Arles, France, and met Vincent Van Gogh at age 14.

    The oldest man was120 years 237 days. Mr. Shigechiyo Izumi of Isen on Tokunoshima, an island 820 miles (1,320 Km) Southwest of Japan, was born on June 29, 1865 and died on February 21, 1986. He worked until he was 105.

    The world's oldest living person is believed to be Yone Minagawa, she is 114 years old, has lived through four Japanese emperors and was born  born Jan. 4, 1893.

  6. I think you may have gotten this ancestor mixed up with someone of the same name. Recheck your records. Many people had the same name. In our family each brother named his sons after the other brothers who in turn did the same with their kids. It gets very confusing to decipher at times. Go back and find more information. Genealogy is a long process of gathering information. Good luck with it!

  7. Maybe you should have called Guiness!  Mine is only 96.

  8. Well if I do the math....And he was still alive he'd be 1204 years old.

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