
How old is to old to start training in a sport?

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I know most of the people in the olympics have been doing this since they were like, 10 years old and stuff, but some of them excel at it by the time they're 16 and 17. Would 18 be to old to start swimming? Even if not for the olympics (I know thats kind of a long shot what with everyone in the world dreaming to compete in them) but just swimming competitively.

Is like, 11 a better age to start?




  1. In swimming, the younger you start the better. The odds of you competing at the national and world class levels are highly improbable, but not impossible. There are always stories about superstar athletes who suddenly come out of nowhere with little to no experience. For example, during my senior year in high school, a guy who was also a senior and who had never before competed in track and field, came out for the team. I was the team co-captain and initially thought that he didn't have much of a chance of being competitive. Boy was I wrong. In just his first year of competing, he became the #1 ranked high school high jumper in the United States...not just #1 in the state...but #1 in the entire country. Anything is possible.

  2. ?

  3. If you swim good and fast, it's never to late to swim competitively. Check out your school tryouts, and give it a shot.

  4. yea I believe 18 is to old but if you need a sport to go into do it. Good luck

  5. maybe 30

  6. as far as i believe , if a 80 old people could take part in the game, why a 8 boy could not ?

  7. no time is too old to start.

    if you like ,you can start it at any time.

    all the things you shold do  is believe yyourself,and fight for ur dream

    Pray for you~

  8. 18 is not too old. Yes many people start young, but others come to sports later.

    Also the problem with the olympics is that people think you have to compete at the top level or not at all.

    Marathons are a good example. Many people go jogging, and so feel fit and try a marathon. They don't win. But next they try and better their time or place and so on.

    There are lots of local atheletics and swimming competitions you can join, just train up to a speed to be competitive with the locals and go from there.

    Some top athletes were not great at sport at school.

  9. Never.  I participated in a seniors (age 50+) track meet in New Hampshire last weekend.  Among the competitors was a 92(!) year old man from Vermont.

  10. Oh please. Too many kids start training when they are too young and they have no childhood. That's pretty sad

  11. Well, if it helps you decide, I took swimming lessons last year at 41 and my swimming improved greatly.  Get a good instructor.  And take everything he/she says to heart.  The coach wants to help you, and it's your job to let them.  It's harder to absorb instruction as you age, but it's the only way.

    Then you have to swim and swim and swim.  I went through long periods of stagnant progress thankfully peppered with rapid improvement.  I think it took all that time in the pool for my body to figure out what to do.

    As for goals, set short term ones, like swimming 1/4 mile or 1/2 mile.  Then work on your speed and consistency.  Reaching those goals will boost your confidence and make  you want to work harder.  Your long term goal should be to be the best swimmer you can be, not the best swimmer in the pool.


  12. well i think it depends on the person. i mean ive been training for figure skating for 2 years now and im only 15. and at 5 i started training for irish step dancing. but i dont think 18 is too old. and 11 isnt too young lol. both ages are acceptable to me.

  13. hey bro any age is grandpa start playin soccer two years ago.....he is 65

  14. Olympic status swimmers (and all olympians for that matter) do not obtain thier skill by just practicing it. They are born with a natural talent for it, and they devote thier ENTIRE (nothing else) lifes to it. It is ALL they do.

    If you truely have a passion for swimming then i suggest contacting a swimming coach and start as young as you possibly can. I wouldn't reccomend it if your over the age of 20 however, you would not have much luck in beating people whove been swimming before they could walk.

    Goodluck - John

  15. Honestly, I don't think there is an age limit. If you can achieve your best in a sport, then it's impressive regardless of age.

  16. any age is ok just go for it  

  17. it's never too late. but, i dont see the point in starting at that late of an age, unless u work real hard and try to get to the olympics. 7-11 is a good place to start. for gymnastics tho, gym rats have been known to start at age 3 or 4 all around the world.

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