
How old is to old to still count your childs age in months?

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I was just wondering because I usually stop at maybe 15mths if that but I see some people saying 33 mths and higher I was just wondering what other parents thought should be the age to stop.




  1. I say anything under 18mths is fine.  

  2. I think that 23 months is the last time and then you should start at 2 years.

  3. yes...about 18 months...after that they're toddlers not babies!

  4. I think about 2 1/2 years old, just because there is a huge difference in 12 months and 15, 15 and 22, etc.

  5. i usually stop around the 18 month mark, because i dont wanna sit there and count in my head everytime i see someone! so after that ill say almost 2 or a year and a half.

    take a look at mine and answer plz:;...

  6. Oh god I find that so annoying when ppl do that.  I know a woman that still does it and her kid is about 3.  I stopped say that around 18 months...but even before that...I just said "oh my son is one...or my son is one and a half.  I don't think ppl need to know the exact month.

  7. i stopped when my kids were 2 and it was because they are sooo big for their age if i said one they'd get this look on their face and then i would say well hes 20 months but 36 mths lol thats too much

  8. id probably do it to about 18 months then after that just say 11/2, 2 etc. but from 12 months id still say a year aswell. its so annoying when people still count it in months with an older child. i knew someone who counted in weeks for a long time..

  9. Most parents I know stop by the time a kid hits 2.  Several I know stop shortly after 1.

  10. I think 18 months. Or sooner.  Anything after that just sounds ridiculous.  I saw someone say 36 months once... uh yeah, that's 3 yrs!!!    

  11. I would by the time the child is 2.

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