
How old is tony hawlk? i think 36. what do you think?!?

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How old is tony hawlk? i think 36. what do you think?!?




  1. he is 40. his bday is may 12

  2. May 12, 1968 age 40

    born in San Diego, California, U.S.

  3. he is 40. born 1968. do the math

  4. He's 40

  5. Tony Hawk was born May 12, 1968 in Carlsbad, California

  6. If you're talking about tony HAWK, he's 40.

  7. May 12 1968 (40)

  8. im pretty sure hes 40 or in his late thirtees

  9. He was born on May 12, 1968 so he is 40 years old.

  10. isnt he around 45?

  11. 87

  12. I THINK HE IS 40...............

  13. hes older than that atleast 42

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