
How old is too old for a flower girl?

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My sunday school teacher (also assistant pastor) and his family have become like a second family to me and my fiance. I'd love to use their kids in my wedding.

Their son is going to be four when we plan to get married, so I'd use him for the ring bearer (I know it's young, but he can handle it--he's a sweet kid); their daughter is going to be 14 though, do you think this this too old for flower girl?

Should I find something else for her?




  1. yeah, the girl is a little old to be a flowergirl. I think after the age of 7-8 it's getting too old. Why not have her carry a bouquet of flowers and walk her brother down the isle since he'll be the ring bearer.

  2. No of course not, her age is fine. As long as she isn't taller or prettier than you it should be fine. ;)

  3. Make her a bridesmaid that would seem more suitable.

  4. Yes, I would think a flower girl should be 5-8 years old.

  5. Id say no older than 16. I think 14 is fine to be a flower girl.

  6. WAaaaaay too old. She should be bridesmaid if anything. But yes in a dress similar to the bridesmaids she can walk with her little brother down the aisle.

  7. are you kidding???? 14 years old for a flower girl??!!! that girl will be sooo embarresed. definitly at least make her a jr bridesmaid or don't ask her at all. that poor girl is a freshman in high school do you really think she wants a position usually filled by a cute 4 year old lmao.



  9. depends on how big is the daugther. but estimatedly, around 6-7 maybe??

  10. It's unusual but there's no rule against it. However, SHE might feel too old to be a flower girl, and feel weird about it, even if she says yes.

    You might want to ask her to be a "junior bridesmaid" - she'll wear a similar dress to your regular bridesmaids (maybe tea length if your bridesmaids are wearing long gowns - any bridal store can give you some options) and carry a small bouquet and walk up the aisle. She can even walk with her little brother, so you don't have to add an extra groomsman. Then you can ask another, younger person to be the actual flower girl, or just not have one.

  11. I'd say she may be too old, but she's not too old to be a brides maid.  I think the girl should be about the same age as the ring bearer, they should walk down the isle together.  It might be a bit embarrassing for that girl to be a flower girl too.

  12. I think it's a little old.

    You could make her a junior bridesmaid.

  13. Yes, I would say flowergirls should be between 2 (or when they start walking) and 6 years old.

    I am having my 3 year old neice as my only flowergirl and my other two neices are 7 and 10 and they will be bridesmaids.

    Good Luck and hope all goes well :-)

  14. Call her a junior bridesmaid or just a bridesmaid... too old to be called a flowergirl. She's not old enough to be your witness, so why not just have her as a bridesmaid?

  15. Waaaaay too old for flower girl  you should make her a Jr bridesmaid or just a bridesmaid.

  16. In Scotland, a flower girl is usually quite a bit younger than this, but (depending on the other bridesmaids you are planning on having) she could be a bridesmaid. However, it's possible that things are different depending on the country you are in.

    If you feel she's too young to be a bridesmaid, perhaps she could do a short reading during the ceremony, that way she would feel included and would be a part of the wedding.

    I think it's lovely that you are including both children, and wish you loads of luck with the wedding.

  17. Too old for flower girl.  She could be a junior bridesmaid.  Or she could also be in charge of the guest book & gift table.  I think a tween would love having a job like that.  Be sure to give her a corsage.

  18. 14 is too old for a flower girl, she is in the age range for a junior bridesmaid.

  19. thats a bit too old. a jr bridesmaid would be a tad bit more age appropriate

  20. too old - i was 9 when i was a flower girl. stop at 10. she could be a junior bridesmaid though!

  21. Aren’t you truly blessed to have such lovely people in your life!

    14 is too old for a flower girl – but just the right age for a junior bridesmaid.

    Let her wrangle your bouquet during the ceremony, set up the Unity candle, hold your bible, or something else sweet and significant.

    If she’s musical, ask her to play or sing.

    She can also read that passage from Corinthians – Love is kind etc. as the opening of the ceremony.

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