
How old is too old for a horse to show?

by  |  earlier

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The horse I ride, Fancy, is 20 years old. I show her a lot. At least once a month in the summer. She does great. But, my instructor told me she is 20. Is that too old?

She really goes fast. She galloped at a show when i was on her




  1. Lets see a picture of her then we can tell maybey she just looks really old and the judges dont like  

  2. There really is no correct age to say a horse is too old to show.  As long as the horse is healthy, happy and vetted sound to ride there is no reason not to show.  For older horses a lighter show season is nice, but keeping them active is best for them, keeping joints lubricated and muscles from deteriorating.  I've known horses to campaign into their thirties.  As long as your riding instructor feels your horse can continue to show you shouldn't be concerned, if you are still worried that she is too old you could contact your vet and ask them to come out each year before the show season begins for an overall health evaluation.  Don't worry about your show schedule either, a show a month is actually a rather light work load and won't cause her any unnecessary stress.

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