
How old is too old for a time out?

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How old is too old for a time out?




  1. there really shudn't be time out period....just slap it into the child to make sure that your the boss, but dont over do it so that makes u abusive =P

  2. I think 4 should be the stopping point and they should start getting spankings because at 4 kids tend to get a little more onto what to expect if they do something wrong

  3. 17 years, 364 days is good for a time out.

  4. I think you need to adjust what you consider and time out as your kids get older!

    I mean the whole "go sit on your time out chair" does't really work for pre teens and teens!

    BUT!!!   I remember when i was about 12 or 13 and my sister and i would fight, my grandmother made us sit on the couch beside each other until both of us apologized!  

    YOu just need to determine the best 'method' of time out as your kid grows!

    but everyone needs a time out once in a while, even me!!

  5. well when i was in a boys boarding school with the nuns. theyd make you stay after class put you over there knee and pull your shoes socks pants and undies then theyd spank you with there hand then they make u sit in time out and if u touched your butt while in time out shed put u over her knee again and spank u the same amount of times shed keep repaeting this until u didnt touch ur but in time out . and time out would last until the nun says get up. she didnt care how red blackand blue or how many welt on it u do this until we left school

  6. At the age of 13 because if you put the child on time out to much they would start to rebel against you. And do what they want. But if you are putting your child on time out now you should go to their room and talk to them about what they did and why they where sent to their room. And they are never to old to send them to their room. As long as they are in your house it's your rules

  7. 50

  8. Remember that time-out is just a form of grounding. My 13 year old gets time-out still.  Time-out is sitting on the kitchen chair, no moving around, no talking!

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