
How old is too old??

by Guest65163  |  earlier

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if youre daughter is 18.. how much older can the guy that she is dating be?? I mean, how much older do you recommend be??




  1. Of course, you can never put an age on anyone's dates because there are always exceptions. Now that I have said that, I would recommend that her dates be no older than 21. If she is not really mature, I would rather see her with someone who is her age or perhaps 19 only.

  2. I think 23 is old enough for an 18 year old to date. There is so much life experience that happens in that 5 years. 25 is still ok but a little "iffy". The absolute oldest I would ever even consider to be ok would be 29. 30 and older does not fly!

  3. up to 30 years older is OK.

  4. When i was 18 my boyfriend was 22, i wouldnt recommend much older then that!

  5. I'm 19 and my bf is 33.  Age doesn't matter, it's the maturity level and whether or not she's able to handle it.  For the typical girl, though, I would probably say 25 would be the oldest.  However, she's 18 now, so she's an adult and she's old enough to choose whoever she wants to date.

  6. Same age or maximum 20 years old young fellow. It is the beginning of exploring the life for youngsters. Big age gap might not be a good idea at this time.

  7. That really depends on the ones involved.  She is an adult.  So, no matter what anyone says or thinks, she can technically do as she pleases.

    I know several couples where the woman is many, many years younger than the man--10+ years.  They are very happy and been together for years.

  8. well im only 16 but i would say if i was a father maybe 5 years older max. cuz you dont want the difference to be too great. but if it was a good, respectable guy it shouldn;t really matter as long as he treats her right.

  9. depends on how worldly he is .. you stil can advice

  10. whats important is that she is happy and being treated well and respected

    Saying that - if i had a daughter i wouldnt be pushing her to date men who are 10 years or older purely based on life stage and expectations

  11. 20 any older and I feel the maturity level is to different

  12. 1-5 yrs

  13. The general rule of thumb is cut the older persons age in half, then add seven and that's the age of the youngest person they can date. So a twenty-four year old should only date people ages nineteen and older.

  14. Anyone older than 22 and I would question his motives. What would anyone older than that have in common with a 18 year old? That being said, you can really only give your opinion at this point.

  15. 4 years older is alright I think, I really wouldn't go older then 5 years though, the age gap my become an issue, in things like issues like having kids etc if the age gap is too big there could be a problem when he's ready to settle down she isn't,

    However being the fact your daughter is 18yrs old then she's an adult and can make her own choices - it's her life, whether you like it or not there's nothing you can do about it, better off supporting her decision (like it or not) and being there to pick up the pieces if you have to, just like us mum's are sposed to do.

  16. If she is 18, she is legally an adult and can make that decision for herself..

  17. Love is blind. Let whats going to happen happen. :)

    Unless the guy is a sleezy pedophile. lol.

    Good luck.

    And please, PLEASE can you give me your oppinion?;...

  18. No higher than 24.. But my parents have an 8 year gap, so whatever.

  19. I'm a 17 year old guy and I would not go for a girl younger than 16.. my girl mates the same age as me boyfriends are like 23-24 and its disgusting. I think a year or 2 older until you get older and age doesnt matter

  20. he should atleast be 4 years older then her.. because guys think younger then their age... maybe around 22 or 23.. that way theycan have a serious relationship

  21. SHE IS 18!!! That means she is an adult and can make choices on her own.

    In general, people usually date with people a few years older then them. She can't date younger because that's illegal etc. So I would say around twenty however, she still can make the decision for herself.

  22. 25

  23. Well really she's an adult and can make her own decisions, but I guess 25-ish.

  24. I'd be uncomfortable with anything over 25.   But once she's 18 I can't do much about it.

  25. I hate to tell you but at 18..... legally you can do nothing to stop her even if she dating a 60 year old *gags* Imean yes she is still your "child" but she is not really a child. But if the girl is in love with an older gentleman as long as it is LOVE and not LUST..... I see no problem with it. When I was 19-20ish I was with a 36 year old and then later that same year I was almost with a 42 year old. So.... to me age is jus a number.

  26. 4-6 yrs max!!!

    i'd say 18 or 20

  27. i think like 25 is the highest(:

  28. i married a man that was 10 yrs older then me.

    I think that a man has to be older then his g/f cause guys the same age or younger are much more immature.  

    U prolly have more to worry about with a younger guy then a older on to be honest!

  29. Depends on your daughter. If she is mature and knows what she is getting into I say 25. Not that you can do much about it anyways. She is legal and can date who she pleases.

  30. divide by 2, then add 7.  So if the oldest person is 24, divided by 2, you get 12, then add 7 you get 19. So in your daughter's case, 23 1/2.

  31. i would say not older than 21
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