
How old is too old to be a Virgin?

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  1. i think too old would be dead old.

    nothing in life should be rushed. Yet with that said, nothing in life should be missed either.

  2. 18 lol j/p. I say 30

  3. I'm 28 and still am still the big"V".. s*x has nothing to do with age, but with emotional well-being. When you know you're ready, you're ready. Thats it. Your choice only.

  4. well i'm 21 and still have my v card lol. i don't think its a matter of age in my personal opinion. i think whenever a person is comfortable enough with themselves and their partner its cool. even if its at an older age. i personally feel like rushing it would be a big mistake and i feel too many now and days are rushing it.  

  5. I think 25

  6. there isnt a "too old"

    its when you are married

  7. I dont think there is a "too old".

    I think its wrong there is so much pressure these days to lose it though, if you want to and are in loving and stable relationship then go for it but not just because everyone else is and telling you you should be too- its a personal choice!

  8. never. I don't ever plan on losing my virginity.  

  9. For women past the age of child barring years. For men past the age where you can no longer keep up with running children..

  10. Realistically, for *most* people?   30, I would say.  

    Longer than that often means the person has psychological issues that are preventing them having a sexually healthy life.  This is not always the case - not by a *long* shot - but it's true often enough to make it an impoprtant factor.

    h**l, I got laid my very first time several months before my 14th birthday (that was over 35 years ago and I have no regrets whatsoever).

    Even with that said...  LOTS of men and women live long into their old age and even go to their death-bed without *ever* having s*x, and there's nothing wrong at all with them living their lives like that if that's what they've honestly chosen.

    In the end, it's an entirely personal choice, and if you truly make the right one for yourself, it doesn't matter if you're 12, 40 or already passed into the next life when you first have s*x - or if you ever do at all.


    ... and I think you can see plainly by the thumbs up/down ratio on all of the responses here that a lot of people don't have a clue that there are huge  differences among the terms "morality", "personal ethics" and "religious stricture".

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