
How old is too old to kiss your child or nephew/niece on the cheek?

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My nephew is 4 and I kiss him on the cheek everytime I see him.




  1. They are never to old. Your loving nature and guidance can be accepted at all stages.

  2. It's never too old to kiss you nephew or niece or especially your child on the cheeks. I am 22 years old and all my aunts still kiss me on the cheeks my parents too.

  3. probably 9 or 10.

  4. my aunt kisses me every time and I am 34 doesn't bother me a bit.

  5. no age matters they are family

  6. any age where they're uncomfortable with it ... and no age if they're not.

  7. keep kissin them until they tell you they don't like it anymore.

  8. For who your nephew or yourself?

  9. Never too old. Some of my aunts kissed me on cheek last weekend. I'm older than dirt. I kiss my highschool aged son on the cheek everyonce in awhile. He grimaces and stuff but I can tell he don't really mind as long as his buddies are not around. I AM DAD YOU KNOW and he's my huckleberry;^)

    Keep doing it and they will come to expect it and maybe wonder why you didn't some time. Some people are huggy and some are not.

  10. you should kiss him until your dead

  11. they never get to old!

  12. Never too old.

  13. thats fine its not lip lock or nthin stange youre just saying bye hunny bun see ya soon im 13 around the 6th grade i thought i would get made fun of if i said i love you to my mom or any mom baby stuff but know i dont care i mean my mom could be gone 2morrow so might as well tell her you love her

  14. You are NEVER too old to share kisses on the cheek with loved ones.

  15. My aunt kisses me on the cheek everytime she see's me and I'm 28. Same with my brother and he's 30. I don't think there is an age limit.

  16. It's never too old.... just when they get older... do not do it in

  17. a person is never to old for someone to show them love that's what is wrong with a lot of bad people now days they were never loved and don't know how to love others and that is why they are so mean.

  18. Do it as long as he feels comfortable doing it. My niece is 6 and she kisses me goodbye every time I see her, so I give her a kiss-- my nephew is 10 and it's like' yeah whatever' so I 'yeah whatever' him back. My boyfriends aunt still kisses him (and I) every time we see her-- and my boyfriend is 23!

  19. never to old  my niece is 15 and i kiss her on the cheek sometimes

  20. That's a cultural thing, you'll have to decide based on the society where you live.  Some do this all through life.  But, assuming you're in the US, 4 is still young enough.  It's usually around 10 or 11 that the kid starts feeling weird about it and will tell you.

  21. yea its ok......i would say stop after they start going to school.........then they'll hate it....

  22. When, or if, it feels uncomfortable to either one of you.  If he doesn't mind it, and you like to do it, then there is no problem.

  23. They are never too old

  24. i am 23 and my anunt and my cousin (who is much older than me) still kiss me on the cheek when they see me.  i think it is because they still see me as being a little girl to them or something.  it doesnt bother me at all and i dont see anything wrong with it

  25. NEVER too old! Chaste and loving hugs and kisses from family and close friends are always a good thing.

  26. I always give my 15 y/o son a kiss on the side of his head when he leaves to school and if I forget,he'll stand there until I do.

    I'm sure your nephew will somehow let you know.

  27. Never!  You should always express your love to family members.

  28. i think that at that age it's still okay. when they start acting funny about it then it should my 5 year old sometimes doesn't mind but if his friends are around he gets kind of shy about it.

  29. never to old...on the cheek ?..wat does age matter for ?

  30. Its nothing to be embarassed about.  Its affection.  You are family and you love each other. Unless you have a different opinion but thats mine.

  31. I think it's up to the one your kissing.  If they get embarrassed and ask you to stop, respect their wish.

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