
How old is too old to start skating? Skate boarding.?

by Guest67203  |  earlier

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What are some benefits of skateboarding? Do you stay fit? Does it give you abs? I am nineteen and was thinking about maybe taking up skating rather than fighting, or some other sport. What should I do?




  1. It's never too late to start skating. Do you stay fit? Uhm if you skate daily for a few hours. Yea. As for abs probably not.. Good leg muscles though :)

    And in my opinion if you want abs and to stay really fit go with MMA Fighting. :)

  2. There is no age minimum or maximum age for starting to skate.  I have seen kids start at 2 and have seen people start in their 50s.  

    Skateboarding has many benefits.  It's good exercise, you build leg strength and it imporoves your balance and increases core strength. It burns more calories than you think.  There is a reason most skaters are skinny.  

    One word of caution.  As you age, it becomes more painful to take a fall, and you will do it a lot.  Wear pads and a helmet, at least in the beginning.  Learn how to fall correctly.  You might want to look into other forms of skating besides street.  The other forms aren't as hard on the joints, especially knees.

  3. Your never to old I think as long as a fall won't cause you to REALLY damage something. 19 isn't old at all either I mean your still in your prime. I say go for it.

  4. You gain balance, stamina, it works all your leg muscles and yes you have to start of with decent abs if you want to do a couple tricks but they don't have to be super buff. It's fun. I have done it since I was 17 and I still do it. Buy a cheap skateboard (make sure it has bearings) if you don't like it then you didn't waste your money if you do like then that would be awesome.

  5. Skating is my way of describing life and the opportunities it gives you. You can start skating when ever you'd like. There is even some 40 to 50 year old skaters out there right now! It's great fun and yes it is a source of exercise as well. I can't really say it gives you abs but it definitely keeps you fit and the best part is that it's exercise but your too busy having fun with skating that you don't even realize your burning calories. You should really start skating because after you start you'll realize what a fun and great time it offers.

  6. i think you can start skating at any age.  just do what you want and dont worry what other ppl say and think

  7. 19 your still at a safe age but if your like 21 its time to but away childish thing exept if your tony hawk lol

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