
How old is your cat?

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my cat is 21 years old




  1. I've got four: they are 14, 6, 3 and 3.

  2. we got two eight week old kittens three weeks ago, brother and sister, from a rescue. named them marley and tuscan.

  3. my cat was 21 but she had to be put to sleep in feb this year. We have a new cat who is 3 now. the oldest cat in the world is 32.

  4. 9 weeks lol

  5. Wow that's a very old moggy!!! My cat Onion is 10, well I say mine, she lives with my Mum coz she didn't like the change when we tried to move her. My two kittens are 12 weeks on monday

  6. I have 3 cats and 1 kitten and I have not adopted him yet but will have an 8 wk. year old kitten soon: (must be eight weeks to adopt, got him from the Humane Society, I felt bad for him because he was abused and wanted to give him a good home and a better life so I put my name down as his future owner.) My first cat is named Louie and he is 14. My second cat is named Jack and is 3. My third cat is  named Jenny and is 1. My kitten that I already have is named Violet and she is 10 weeks.  I'm very excited to adopt my new kitten this next week. He will be named Spooky because he is all black. Either that or Shadow. Sorry I bothered telling you all these names.You probably don't care what their names are. I  just like to  talk about my cats a lot because they mean everything to me.

  7. 15

  8. thats old

    my sister has a cat 17 years old I think

  9. wow how has it lived that long. mines 7

  10. thats an old cat mine r 7 and 4 ozzie is 7 and sage is 4 ozzies a stray

  11. His 1st Birthday on 1st August =]

  12. We don't know exactly because he used to belong to an old lady from our street who died and he was 'sleeping rough' when we took him in. He's the [ginger and snowy-white] apple of our eye now; we can't imagine life without him and he's still 'young at heart', loving games and hunting, even though he has to be at least 14 !!

  13. oldest:21

    youngest:2 weeks

  14. Wow, he's old!

    1st- 2 years old

    2nd- about 3 or 4 years old

    3rd- 15 years old.

  15. wow, old cat!

    two of them are 10.

    one is 3.

  16. my cat is 1 year and my kitten is 9 week

  17. Wow, the oldest one I have at the moment is 7, followed by a 2 year old and 2 4-month old kittens.

  18. 21, that's doing really well.

    My Tomcat is 10, and my stray is 5.


  20. Just turned 2

  21. 18 months

  22. 11 months

  23. Ours is 11

  24. 3 years i have 2 and theyre sisters

  25. Well done moggy and well done you, that's one looked after cat! We had a cat who lived to 19

  26. Ozzie is 17

    Squeegie 11 (he's the one with cancer)

    Siomai and Siopau are both 10 (Brother and Sister)

    Raven is 7
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