
How old is your child & what time do they go to bed & wake up?

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Mine is 7 years old & is in bed by 8pm, up at 7:30am.

Just wondering if that is the norm for her age group :o)




  1. I don't have any children, but when I was always supposed to be in bed, reading at least, by 10:00 P.M.  (As far as I can remember, I'm sure when I was younger I went to bed earlier) but I usually just stayed up till Midnight, especially at eleven-years-old and older, reading or watching a movie on the portable DVD player. My parents never caught me and I was happy and was able to get up at six thirty or so.

    So I think your kid goes to bed at a appropriate time, I was always rebellious and a troublemaker so you don't have to follow my example, especially if you want your kids under control. : )

  2. my son is about to turn 9 and he goes to bed at 9.30pm. He wakes up any time between 6 and 7am on a school day, and sometimes a bit later on weekends.

  3. Im 13 and i go to bet at 10 and wake up at 6

  4. My 3 grandchildren live with me. My 12 yr old grandson goes to bed at 8pm, reads for a 1/2 hour and lights out at 8:30. The 5 yr old and the 3 yr old both go to bed at 8 pm, have 1 story read to them and then lights out. They all wake up around 6 am to get ready for school and daycare. I am a firm believer in set bedtimes (and mealtimes and everything else!) and kids need more sleep than most actually get these days.

  5. well my cousins are 4 and 7 and the 4 year old goes to bed at 9 and is up at 8 and the 7 year old is in bed around 10 and up at 7:30

  6. My son is 7 and goes to bed at 8pm and I wake him up at 6:00 am.  Ideally I think he should get another hour of sleep, but I can't get him to bed any earlier or wake him up any later.

  7. My daughter is 5 and goes to bed between 730-800pm and wakes up at 0720am.  She still seems tired half the time!...but yet so do I!!!

  8. I'm 13, and I'm supposed to be in bed by 10-10:30, but I'm up reading until 11:30 at the latest. Then I get up at 7. during school breaks, I go to bed by 12:30 and am up between 10-11 AM.

  9. School nights?  

    10 yr old 8:30-9:30 pm up at 6:15am

    8 yr old   8:00-8:30              "            "

    5 yr old   8pm                         "       "

    When school is out Spring Break and Summer I try to get them to stay up later in hoping that they will sleep late. But during the school year, Weekends I might let them stay up until 10pm and up at 8am

  10. That's sounds totally normal to me. My daughters are 12 and 10 and they are in the bed by 8:30, and the 12 year old wakes up @6:30am and the 10 year old wakes up @7:00am. I think children need to have designated bedtimes.

  11. Mine are 8 years old, and they go to bed at 8:30 and wake up between 6:30 - 7.

  12. I have an 11 year old and an 8 and 7 year old. When the lights are out they are out for everyone at 8:00. I don't make any difference between them because  when it come down to school mornings nobody wants to get up!!! When my 11 year old get 12 or 13 then I will start letting go to bed a little later. But for now momma makes the rules and if momma ain't happy ain't nobody happy.

  13. Two boys ages 6 and 9, bedtime is 8:00 p.m and they are awaken around 7:30.  Almost exactly like yours. I am not sure that they go to sleep right away but they are in bed.

  14. My daughter is 5 and she goes to bed between 8:30 and 9:00 and wakes up at 7:00 my son is 6 months and goes to bed about 9:30

  15. I have a 7 and a 9 year old.  I try to get them both in bed by 8:00.  8:20 at the latest.  Since I have to take both kids to the older child's school bus by 7:45, I have to wake them both up by 7:00.

  16. My son is 9 and gets up at 6:30 a.m. and lights out are at 9 p.m. on school days.  

    I think you are doing well with this.  When she goes to bed does she generally go right to sleep or lie there for awhile, read, etc.?  I believe at this age they say 10 - 11 hrs/night but also some require a little more and some a little less.

  17. 15 years old 10:00 up at 6:00

    8 and 5 years old 8:00 up at 7:00

  18. My son is 5 and his bedtime is 8-8:30 and he wakes up around 6:30am

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